
Tesno obrizgavanje termoplastičnega kompozita z duroplastičnim : diplomsko delo
ID Tavčar, Vanessa (Author), ID Bizjak, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Drmota, Ana (Comentor)

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Inovativni hibridni izdelki za tehnološko zahtevne aplikacije v avtomobilski industriji so izdelani iz najrazličnejših kombinacij materialov, katerih lastnosti nam omogočijo doseganje optimalnih rešitev za zagotavljanje čedalje ostrejših zahtev. Ena izmed takih zahtev je tudi tesnost izdelka na različne medije pred in po termičnem utrujanju po predpisanem testu. Predpogoj za dosego mejnega kriterija tesnosti je dobra adhezija med enakima ali različnima materialoma. S tehnologijo brizganja smo izdelali namenske testne vzorce in serijski izdelek ter proučili adhezijo med termoplastičnim kompozitom na osnovi PPS matrice in duroplastičnim kompozitom na osnovi epoksi matrice. Adhezijo med materialoma smo analizirali z metodami za detekcijo netesnosti (test tesnosti s potopitvijo v vodo in detekcijo izhajanja mehurčkov ter test tesnosti s He masnim spektrometrom), metodo za analizo poroznosti (CT analiza) ter analizo površine (SEM/EDS analiza in XPS analiza). Zaradi neoptimalne geometrije testnega vzorca in neustreznega dolivnega sistema nismo dosegli tesnega spoja, smo pa potrdili adhezijo med materialoma. Na serijskem izdelku, za katerega je bil proces brizganja na osnovi simulacij optimiziran, smo dosegli tehnično tesen spoj pred in po izpostavitvi termičnemu utrujanju.

Keywords:termoplastični kompoziti, duroplastični kompoziti, brizganje, adhezija, tesnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Tavčar]
Number of pages:XII, 40 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141263 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:131498499 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Tight overmolding of a thermoplastic composite with a thermosetting composite : diploma work
Innovative hybrid products for technologically demanding applications in the automotive industry are manufactured from a wide range of material combinations whose properties enable optimal solutions and compliance with increasingly stringent requirements. One of these requirements is the tightness of a product when exposed to various media before and after thermal shock in accordance with a prescribed test. A prerequisite for achieving the tightness criteria is good adhesion between the same or different materials. Using injection molding technology, we produced customer-specific master samples as well as a series product and investigated the adhesion between a thermoplastic composite based on a PPS matrix and a thermoset composite based on an epoxy matrix. The adhesion between the aforementioned materials was analyzed by leak detection methods (leak test when immersed in water and bubble detection and leak test with He mass spectrometer), porosity analysis (CT analysis) and surface analysis (SEM / EDS analysis and XPS analysis). Due to the non-optimal geometry of the master sample and the inadequate gating system, we were unable to establish a strong bond, but we were able to confirm the adhesion between the two materials. For a series product, for which the injection molding process had been optimized on the basis of simulations, a technically strong bond was obtained before and after exposure to thermal shock.

Keywords:thermoplastic composites, thermosetting composites, molding, adhesion, tightness

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