
Uporaba akustičnih meritev govora pri diagnostiki razvojne dizartrije
ID Lavrenčič, Katja (Author), ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kocjančič Antolík, Tanja (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7379/ This link opens in a new window

Razvojna dizartrija je motorična govorna motnja z značilno zmanjšano razumljivostjo ter težavami na vsaj enem podsistemu govora, kot so dihanje, fonacija, resonanca, artikulacija in/ali prozodija govora. Zaradi podobnih zaznavnih značilnosti z zaostankom v govornem razvoju in z drugimi motoričnimi govornimi motnjami lahko predstavlja prepoznavanje te motnje številnim logopedom izziv. Največkrat jo ocenjujemo in diagnosticiramo s perceptivno oceno govora. Za natančnejše zaznavanje odstopanj v govoru bi lahko pri ocenjevanju uporabljali akustično analizo govora, ki bi perceptivni oceni dodala objektivne potrditve. Cilj magistrskega dela je preučiti področje akustičnega ocenjevanja govora pri razvojni dizartriji. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela je predstavljena razvojna dizartrija in njene značilnosti, ocenjevanje znakov razvojne dizartrije in logopedska obravnava otrok z razvojno dizartrijo. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene akustične meritve govora in akustične značilnosti dizartričnega govora. Cilj magistrskega dela je tudi oblikovati in izvesti protokol za oceno govora otrok z razvojno dizartrijo in s tem ugotoviti, kateri akustični parametri razlikujejo govor otrok z dizartrijo od govora otrok tipičnega razvoja. Z izvedbo protokola smo pridobili glasovne posnetke, s pomočjo katerih smo izmerili maksimalni fonacijski čas (MFČ), razpon osnovne frekvence, hitrost artikulacije ter razpon F1 in F2 znotraj dvoglasnikov pri otrocih z razvojno dizartrijo. Posamezne parametre smo analizirali z računalniškim programom za fonetično analizo govora Praat, jih statistično obdelali ter primerjali z rezultati otrok iz skupine s tipičnim govorom. Kot statistično razlikovalni akustični parametri so se izkazali MFČ, razpon osnovne frekvence in hitrost artikulacije. Akustični profili otrok z razvojno dizartrijo so bili raznoliki.

Keywords:motorične govorne motnje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141161 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122615299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Application of acoustic speech measurements in the diagnosis of developmental dysarthria
Developmental dysarthria is a motor speech disorder characterized by reduces intelligibility and impairments on at least one speech subsystem such as breathing, phonation, resonance, articulation and/or prosody. Due to similar perceptual characteristics with a delayed speech-language development and with other speech disorders, recognizing this disorder can be a challenge for many speech and language therapists. It is most often assessed and diagnosed by a perceptual assessment of speech. To achieve a more accurate detection of deviations in speech, an acoustic analysis of speech could be used in the assessment process, which would add objective confirmation to the perceptual assessment. The aim of this master's thesis was to study the field of acoustic evaluation of speech in developmental dysarthria. The theoretical part of the master's thesis presents developmental dysarthria and its characteristics, assessment of signs of developmental dysarthria and treatment of children with developmental dysarthria. In what follows, acoustic measurements of speech and acoustic characteristics of dysarthric speech are presented. The aim of this master's thesis was also to design and implement an evaluation protocol for the speech of children with developmental dysarthria and thereby determine which acoustic parameters distinguish the speech of children with dysarthria from the speech of children with typical development. By implementing the protocol we obtained voice recordings, with the help of which we measured the maximum phonation time (MPT), the range of the fundamental frequency, the articulation rate and the range of F1 and F2 within diphthongs in children with developmental dysarthria. Individual parameters were analyzed in the speech analysis software Praat, statistically processed and compared with the results of children from the group with typical speech. MPT, fundamental frequency range and articulation rate proved to be statistically differentiating acoustic parameters. The acoustic profiles of children with developmental dysarthria were diverse.

Keywords:motor speech disorders

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