
Uvajanje evropskega zelenega dogovora s pomočjo zelene infrastrukture na primeru občine Škofljica : magistrsko delo št.: 41/II. PN
ID Kovačič, Katja (Author), ID Čok, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Atanasova, Nataša (Comentor)

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Magistrska naloga obravnava implementacijo Evropskega zelenega dogovora (EZD) v slovensko zakonodajo in prakso. Predstavljene so njegove glavne smernice ter temeljne definicije in razmejitve pojmov: zelene površine (ZP), zeleni sistem, zelena infrastruktura (ZI), modro-zelena infrastruktura, urbana prenova in urbani prostor. Načrtovanje zelene infrastrukture poteka na različnih ravneh. V konceptnem smislu na ravni regije in občine, v aplikativnem smislu pa na ravni posameznega zemljišča oziroma izvedbenega ukrepa. V nalogi je izdelan pregled prostorske zakonodaje in prostorskih aktov, s poudarkom na načrtovanju zelene infrastrukture na podlagi smernic EZD in zelenih površin v vlogi zelene infrastrukture (ZPvZI). V nadaljevanju je na primeru izbrane občine predstavljena baza podatkov zelenih površin, kjer smo evidentirali zelene površine po namenski rabi prostora, funkciji, načinu upravljanja in lastništvu. Določili smo metodologijo po kateri smo zbrane podatke primerjali s smernicami Evropskega zelenega dogovora in se do tega kritično opredelili. Predstavili smo tudi primer dobre prakse iz tujine, kjer smo pregledali njihove pristope in usmeritve, ki se najpogosteje uporabljajo pri načrtovanju zelene infrastrukture v urbanem prostoru. V zaključku naloge je predstavljen celovit model za izvajanje EZD, tako na konceptni kot izvedbeni ravni. Na izbranem primeru v občini smo izdelani model preizkusili in ga ovrednotili. Predstavljen je nabor obstoječih zakonskih določb, določb prostorskih izvedbenih aktov in podatkovnih baz, ki ustrezajo izvajanju EZD ter tistih, ki jih je potrebno nadgraditi ali šele izoblikovati.

Keywords:prostorsko načrtovanje, magistrska dela, PN, Evropski zeleni dogovor, zeleni sistemi, zelena infrastruktura, modra infrastruktura, zelene površine, urbana prenova, urbani prostor
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Kovačič]
Number of pages:XIII, 76 str., 15 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141125-4fee8814-2b8f-796d-b0e8-984ad63f7d6d This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:131938563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The implementation of the European Green Deal with the help of green infrastructure on the example of the municipality of Škofljica : Master Thesis No.: 41/II. PN
The master's thesis deals with the implementation of the European Green Deal (EGD) in Slovenian legislation and practice. Its main guidelines and basic definitions and definitions of terms: green areas (GA), green system, green infrastructure (GI), blue-green infrastructure, urban renewal and urban space are presented. Green infrastructure planning takes place at different levels. In the conceptual sense at the level of the region and municipality, and in the applicative sense at the level of individual land or implementation measure. The task contains an overview of spatial legislation and spatial acts, with an emphasis on the planning of green infrastructure based on the guidelines of EGD and green areas in the role of green infrastructure. In the following, the database of green areas is presented on the example of the selected municipality, where we recorded green areas according to the intended use of the space, function, method of management and ownership. We determined the methodology according to which we compared the collected data with the guidelines of the European Green Deal and were critical of this. We also presented an example of good practice from abroad, where we reviewed their approaches and directions, which are most often used in the planning of green infrastructure in urban areas. At the end of the master thesis, a comprehensive model for the implementation of EGD is presented, both at the conceptual and implementation level. We tested and evaluated the developed model on a selected example in the municipality. A set of existing legal provisions, provisions of spatial implementing acts and databases corresponding to the implementation of the EGD, as well as those thet need to be upgraded or just created, is presented.

Keywords:geodesy, master thesis, European Green Deal, green systems, green infrastructure, blue infrastructure, green areas, urban renewal, urban space

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