Permaculture was created at the end of the 1970s in Australia as a response to increasingly visible environmental and social problems in a world in which economic growth was the main guiding principle. Permaculturists are committed to planning and establishing diverse, stable, resilient and natural human habitats and operating according to the ethical principles of permaculture: care for the Earth, care for people, and the principle of fair sharing of goods. The idea of permaculture spread from Australia around the world. In Portugal, among others, the number of permaculture projects and people who use permaculture planning has been increasing in recent years. The Quinta do Vale permaculture farm in the parish of Benfeita is such a project. Here, I conducted field research, the purpose of which was to learn about the operation of the farm and the characteristics of the local community. Based on the analysis of data obtained through participant observation and interviews with the owner of the farm, PDC participants and residents of the local community, I found that the Quinta do Vale farm operates according to permaculture principles, is to a certain extent self-sufficient in food and energy resources, and has a significant impact on the local community.