
Kozji artritis in encefalitis
ID Petkovšek, Alja (Author), ID Simčič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ježek, Jožica (Comentor)

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Kozji artritis in encefalitis (CAE) povzroča okužba koz z lentivirusi drobnice. Je kronična bolezen, ki lahko prizadene različne organske sisteme in se pri kozah najpogosteje pojavlja v obliki kroničnega vnetja sklepov (poliartritis). Bolezen povzroča veliko gospodarsko škodo za rejce, ker vpliva na manjšo prirejo mleka in predčasno izločitev živali. Bolezen CAE je razširjena po vsem svetu, zdravljenja in učinkovitih zdravil ni. Bistvena je zgodnja diagnoza za nadzor in preprečevanje širjenja te bolezni. V Sloveniji nimamo točnih podatkov za razširjenost te bolezni, zato smo izvedli spletno anketo s kratkim vprašalnikom izbirnega tipa. Povezavo na anketni vprašalnik smo poslali 100 kozjerejcem po e-pošti. V anketi je sodelovalo 32 rejcev. Glede na odgovore, 59,4 % rejcev pozna bolezen, vendar v svojih tropih ne opažajo nevroloških motenj (zanašanje, nezmožnost vstajanja, hoja v krogu) in odebeljenih (oteklih) sklepov na nogah ter šepanja. Večina rejcev (90,6 %) meni, da bolezen ni prisotna v njihovih tropih, vendar pa samo 40,6 % rejcev izvaja preventivne ukrepe za preprečevanje širjenja bolezni tako, da so ob nakupu pozorni na zdravstveno stanje živali. 62,5 % rejcev še ni dalo pregledati krvi svojih koz na prisotnost bolezni.

Keywords:drobnica, koze, lentivirusi, artritis, encefalitis
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140952 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122705667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Caprine arthritis and encephalitis
Caprine arthritis and encephalitis (CAE) is a lentiviral infection of goats and a chronic disease affecting various organ systems. In goats, it most commonly manifests as chronic polyarthritis. The disease can cause major economic losses to breeders, as it can lead to lower milk production and early culling of animals. CAE is a common disease worldwide for which there is no treatment or effective drug. Early diagnosis is essential to control the disease and prevent its spread. In the absence of accurate data on the prevalence of the disease in Slovenia, we conducted an online survey. The link to the survey was sent by e-mail to 100 Slovenian goat breeders, 32 of whom participated in the survey. The responses indicate that 59.4% of breeders are familiar with the disease, although they have not noticed any neurological disorders (lameness, reluctance to stand up, walking in circles), swollen leg joints or limping in their flocks. Most breeders (90.6%) believe that their flocks are not yet affected by the disease. 40.6% of them have taken preventive measures to prevent the spread of the disease; for example, they check the health status of the animal before purchase. 62.5% of breeders have not had the blood of their goats tested for the disease.

Keywords:Small ruminants, goats, lentiviral infections, caprine arthritis, encephalitis

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