
Ugotavljanje razlik v obnašanju drežniških koz z mutacijo “kratko uho”
ID Starman, Maša (Author), ID Horvat, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Malovrh, Špela (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu smo preverjali razlike v obnašanju dolgouhih in kratkouhih koz drežniške pasme. V tropu 104 koz smo opazovali tri kratkouhe koze in šest dolgouhih koz. Zbrane podatke smo analizirali v statističnem programu SAS, kjer smo opravili dve različni analizi, in sicer hi-kvadrat test ter permutacijski test. V analizi s hi-kvadrat testom smo odkrili, da dolgouhe koze udarce z glavo in grize-nje izvajajo pogosteje kot kratkouhe koze. Kratkouhe koze pa v primerjavi z dol-gouhimi kozami pogosteje izvajajo umik in pobeg. V nadaljevanju analize smo obnašanja ločili na agresivna in podrejena. Agresivna obnašanja so bila statistično značilno pogostejša pri dolgouhih kozah, medtem ko se dolgouhe in kratkouhe ko-ze v podrejenih obnašanjih niso statistično značilno razlikovale. Iz rezultatov lah-ko sklepamo, da so kratkouhe koze v tropu podrejene dolgouhim kozam. Domne-vamo, da je razlog za razliko v obnašanju v dolžini njihovih uhljev. Zaradi kratke-ga uhlja koze morda ne morejo pravilno zaznati ter locirati izvora zvoka in posle-dično na grožnjo niso pripravljene. Za določitev prihoda živali na molzišče smo opravili permutacijski test, bolj natančno Monte Carlo, simulacijo parametričnega testa. V tropu 104-ih koz so bile dolgouhe koze na molzišču v poprečju na 36-tem mestu, medtem ko so bile kratkouhe koze na 72-tem mestu. V diplomskem delu smo dokazali, da se dolgouhe in kratkouhe koze v obnašanju razlikujejo. Iz rezul-tatov analize sklepamo, da so kratkouhe koze podrejene dolgouhim kozam, in domnevamo, da je to posledica mutacije »kratko uho«.

Keywords:drobnica, koze, drežniška koza, obnašanje, mutacije, kratko uho
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140886 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122446851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Determination of differences in the behaviour of Drežniška goats with the "short eat" mutation
In B. Sc. Thesis, we studied differences in behavior of long-eared and short-eared goats. In the herd of 104 goats, we observed 3 short-eared goats and 6 long-eared goats. The collected data were analyzed using the SAS statistical package, where we applied two different tests, namely the chi-square test and the permutation test. We found that long-eared goats perform head-butting and biting more frequently than short-eared goats. Short-eared goats, on the other hand, avoid and flee more frequently than long-eared goats. Additionally, we divided behaviors into aggres-sive and subordinate behaviors. Aggressive behaviors occurred statistically signi-ficantly more often in long-eared goats, whereas long-eared and short-eared goats did not differ significantly in subordinate behaviors. Therefore, we concluded that short-eared goats were subordinate to long-eared goats. We assume that the reason for the subordination of short-eared goats is related to the length of their ears. Be-cause of their short ears, the goats cannot properly perceive and locate the direc-tion of coming sound. Consequently, they cannot prepare for coming threats and they react submissively to an interaction with another animal. To determine the arrival of goats in the milking parlor, we performed a permutation test, more pre-cisely a Monte Carlo simulation of the permutation test. Among 104 goats in the herd, the long-eared goats on average ranked 36th in arrival, while the short-eared goats on average ranked 72nd. In the B. Sc. Thesis, we demonstrated that long-eared and short-eared goats differed in their behavior. We can also conclude that short-eared goats were subordinate to long-eared goats, and we speculate that this occurs because of the »short ear« mutation.

Keywords:small ruminants, goats, Drežniška goat, behaviour, mutations, short ear

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