Fertilization is a basic measure for maintaining soil fertility and achieving an optimal yield. Due to the low cost of mineral fertilizers, farmers to a lesser extent decide to fertilize with organic fertilizers, especially with commercial fertilizers, or fertilize in ways that do not provide optimal nutrient utilization, which can weaken life in the soil, lose soil fertility and increase fertilization costs. Very important in fertilizing with organic fertilizers are the physical and chemical properties and biological stability of the fertilizer. That's why I decided to investigate whether composting or lacto-fermentation of own manure is more suitable for the farm. In my thesis, I describe the processes of aerobic composting and predominantly anaerobic lacto-fermentation of manure. I will compare the final product produced by each process. In addition, I will compare which input raw material, cow manure or household waste, is more suitable for the individual processing process and use on the farm.