
Adhezija Candida albicans na poli(metil) metakrilat z nanosom polielektrolitskih večslojev : diplomsko delo
ID Velikonja, Tina (Author), ID Bohinc, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rojko, Franc (Comentor), ID Kovačević, Davor (Comentor), ID Bohinc, Peter (Reviewer)

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Velik delež starejših zaradi izgube zob, za estetiko, govorjenje in prehranjevanje uporablja popolne ali delne proteze. Za izdelavo snemnih protez se uporabljajo polimeri, med njimi tudi poli(metil) metakrilat. Poli(metil) metakrilat je široko uporabljen material za izdelavo baze protez. Toda ni idealen material zaradi svojih škodljivih učinkov na mehka tkiva, poroznosti in površinske hrapavosti, ki omogočajo kopičenje mikrobov, zlasti nabiranje glive Candida albicans na bazi proteze, ki je glavni vzrok za nastanek stomatitisa pod protezo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kako fizikalne lastnosti različno obdelane površine PMMA vplivajo na adhezijo C. albicans. Poskušali bomo tudi ugotoviti, kako polielektrolitski večslojni nanos PAA in PAH vpliva na adhezijo C. albicans. Metode dela: Pripravili smo vzorce iz hladno polimerizajočega akrilata. Vse vzorce smo najprej speskali s 50 µm Al2O3. Četrtino vzorcev smo pustili peskane, četrtino smo spolirali s plovcem in polirno pasto, na polovico vzorcev pa smo nanesli polielektrolitski večsloj poliakrilne kisline in polialilamina hidroklorida. Polovico od teh vzorcev smo zaključili s slojem PAA, polovico pa s slojem PAH. Sledilo je merjenje fizikalnih lastnosti površin. Pri tem smo merili hrapavost, zeta potencial in hidrofobnost. V mikrobiološkem laboratoriju smo pripravili čisto kulturo C. albicans. Gledali smo adhezijo kvasovke na različno obdelane površine. V zobnem laboratoriju smo naredili zgornjo in spodnji totalno protezo, katere baza je bila iz PMMA. Rezultati: Največjo hrapavost smo izmerili pri peskani površini (98,8 nm ± 46,6 nm); sledili sta površini s polielektrolitskim večslojem; najmanj hrapava je bila polirana površina (11,1 nm ± 1,3 nm). Površina s PAA je imela najvišji zeta potencial (1,53 mV ± 2,09 mV). Peskana in polirana površina pa sta imeli negativni zeta potencial; slednja je imela najnižji zeta potencial (-40,84 mV ± 2,48 mV). Mejni kot je bil pri vseh površinah večji od 90°, kar pomeni, da so bile vse površine hidrofobne. Peskana površina je imela največji mejni kot (124,74° ± 4,62°); sledili sta površini s polielektrolitskim večslojem, najmanjši mejni kot pa smo izmerili na polirani površini (94,98° ± 7,36°). Največjo adhezijo kvasovk smo zaznali na polirani površini (503 kvasovk); sledili sta površina polielektrolitskim večslojem, ki se je končal s plastjo PAA (278 kvasovk) in peskana površina (51 kvasovk), najmanj C. albicans pa se je adheriralo na površini s polielektrolitskim večslojem, ki se je končal s plastjo PAH (31 kvasovk). Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati te študije kažejo, da se na polirane površine adherira več kvasovk kot na peskane. Če pa primerjamo površini s polielektrolitskim večslojem, lahko vidimo, kako se na negativno nabito površino (PAA) adherira več C. albicans kot na potizivno nabito (PAH). Mejni kot je bil pri vseh površinah podobno velik, zato težko določimo, kakšen je njegov vpliv na adhezijo C. albicans.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, poli(metil) metakrilat, Candida albicans, adhezija kvasovk, totalne proteze, stomatitis pod protezo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Velikonja]
Number of pages:35 str., [9] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140808 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122095875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2022
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Title:Adhesion of Candida albicans to poly(methyl) methacrylate using polyelectrolyte multilayers : diploma work
Introduction: Due to teeth loss, a large proportion of the elderly rely on full or partial dentures for aesthetics, speaking, and eating. A variety of polymers are used for the production of removable prostheses, including poly(methyl) methacrylate. Poly(methyl) methacrylate is a widely used material for making denture bases. However, it is not an ideal material due to its harmful effects on soft tissues, porosity, and surface roughness that allow the accumulation of microbes, especially Candida albicans, on the denture base, which is the main cause of underdenture stomatitis. Purpose: The purpose of the bachelor’s thesis is to determine how the physical properties of the differently treated PMMA surface affect the adhesion of C. albicans. We will also try to find out how the polyelectrolyte multilayer coating of PAA and PAH affects the adhesion of C. albicans. Methods: We prepared samples from cold polymerizing acrylate. All samples were first sandblasted with 50 µm Al2O3. A quarter of the samples were sandblasted, a quarter was polished with pumice stone and polishing paste, and a polyelectrolyte multilayer of polyacrylic acid and polyallylamine hydrochloride was applied to half of the samples. Half of these samples were finished with a PAA layer and half with a PAH layer. This was followed by the measurement of the physical properties of the surfaces. We measured roughness, zeta potential, and hydrophobicity. A pure culture of C. albicans was prepared in the microbiology laboratory. We looked at the adhesion of yeast to differently treated surfaces. In the dental laboratory, we made upper and lower total dentures, the base of which was made of PMMA. Results: The highest roughness was measured for the sandblasted surface (98,8 nm ± 46,6 nm), followed by the surfaces with a polyelectrolyte multilayer, and the least rough was the polished surface (11.1 nm ± 1.3 nm). The surface with PAA had the highest zeta potential (1.53 mV ± 2.09 mV). The sandblasted and polished surface, however, had a negative zeta potential, the latter having the lowest zeta potential (-40.84 mV ± 2.48 mV). The contact angle was greater than 90° for all surfaces, which means that all surfaces were hydrophobic. The sandblasted surface had the largest contact angle (124.74° ± 4.62°), followed by the surface with a polyelectrolyte multilayer, and the smallest contact angle was measured on the polished surface (94.98° ± 7.36°). The greatest yeast adhesion was detected on the polished surface (503 yeasts), followed by a polyelectrolyte multilayer, which ended with a PAA layer (278 yeasts) and sandblasted surface (51 yeasts) while the least amount of C. albicans adhered to the surface with the polyelectrolyte multilayer, which ended with a PAH layer (31 yeasts). Discussion and conclusion: The results of this study show that more yeast adheres to polished surfaces than to sandblasted surfaces. If we compare surfaces with a polyelectrolyte multilayer, however, we can see how more C. albicans adhere to the negatively charged surface (PAA) than to the repulsively charged surface (PAH). The contact angle was similarly large for all surfaces, so it is difficult to determine the influence on the adhesion of C. albicans.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, poly(methyl) methacrylate, Candida albicans, yeast adhesion, total dentures, underdenture stomatitis

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