
Beseda in slika v dialogu: intersemiotični prevod kot nova razsežnost zgodbe
ID Černivec, Hana (Author), ID Čerče, Ksenija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stanič, Tomo (Comentor)

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Diplomska naloga obravnava ilustracijo kot primer intersemiotičnega prevoda, v katerem skuša podoba besedilo poustvariti v vizualnem jeziku. Naloga utemelji nemožnost ekvivalence v prevodu in s tem prevajanje predstavi kot transformativno dejanje, ki razkriva razlike med jeziki in nestabilnost jezika kot takega. Kot ključno vodilo prevajanja izpostavi neločljivost oblike in pomena. S tem med drugim odgovarja na vprašanje, kako naj ilustracija resnično poustvarja (učinke, atmosfero…) in se z izvirnikom stika tudi v tistem, kar presega informacijo. Kot prevod je ilustracija z izvirnikom sopostavljena. Vzpostavljen dialog med besedo in podobo je mesto ponovne preobrazbe, poraja pa tudi vprašanje funkcije ilustracije-prevoda. Taiste jezikovne razlike, ki ovirajo prevajanje, se lahko v sopostavitvi izkažejo kot prednost. Hkrati pa tovrstna pozicija omogoča mnogo načinov sodelovanja besednega in vizualnega, v katerih lahko podoba zavzame bolj aktivno vlogo.

Keywords:slikarstvo, ilustracija, prevod, intersemiotični prevod, jezik, razmerje med besedo in podobo, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140696 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Word and Image in Dialogue: An Intersemiotic Translation as the Story's New Scope
This paper examines illustration as an example of intersemiotic translation, in which an image seeks to re-create the text in visual language. The paper argues for the impossibility of equivalence in translation. Rather, translation is represented as a transformational act that exposes differences between languages and instability of language as such. It points out the inseparability of form and meaning as a key principle of translation. Among other things, this answers a question about how can an illustration re-create an information excess (atmosphere, effects) and establish a connection in what language produces with the way of writing. Illustration as a translation is juxtaposed with its original. Established word-image dialogue is a place of yet another transformation, but also, poses a question about the function of illustration as a translation. Same differences which, in translation, come across as obstacles, fix and emphasize verbal text in juxtaposition. On the other hand, this kind of position allows for many ways of word-image collaborations, in which images can strive for more of an active role.

Keywords:painting, illustration, translation, intersemiotic translation, language, word-image relationship, BA thesis

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