
Nastanek delavskega razreda in sindikatov v obdobju Meiji
ID Volf Stepančič, Žiga (Author), ID Culiberg, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cergol Paradiž, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Leta 1868 je na japonskem prišlo do političnega preobrata, pri katerem je bila odstavljena stara šogunalna oblast, to pa je nadomestila nova cesarju zvesta oblast organizirana po zahodnih standardih. Tako se je začel proces intenzivnega moderniziranja in vzpona industrije, ki je povzročil velike socialne premike v družbi, med njimi tudi nastanek novega delavskega razreda. Ta je bil izpostavljen krutim razmeram v tovarnah in bil žrtev izkoriščanja lastnikov proizvodne. Slabe življenjske razmere delavcev in vztrajanje nekaterih socialno naravnanih politikov ter intelektualcev je privedlo k nastanku prvih sindikalnih gibanj proti koncu 19. stoletja. V diplomski nalogi najprej predstavim pogoje za industrializacijo, njen potek in posledice za državo in državljane. Ob tem bom predstavil vzpon trgovcev in fevdalnih velikašev v lastnike zemlje in proizvodnje, ki so postali glavni akterji modernizacije in industrializacije. Predstavil bom reforme in dogodke, ki so privedli do nastanka bazena delovne sile, iz katerega se je razvil delavski razred, razmere v katerih so živeli delavci in pogoje za nastanek sindikatov. Pri opisu sindikatov se bom osredotočal na osebe, ki so temeljno prispevali k nastanku sindikalnih zvez, njihove ideologije in dediščino njihovega delovanja. Med njimi sta Takano Fusatarō in Katayama Sen.

Keywords:Meiji, delavski razred, sindikat, industrializacija, reforme
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. V. Stepančič]
Number of pages:46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140658 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122884355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The Emergence of the Working Class and Trade Unions in the Meiji Period
In 1868, Japan underwent a political upheaval in which the old Shogunal government was overthrown and replaced by a new government loyal to the emperor, organized according to Western standards. Thus began a process of intensive modernization and the rise of industry, which led to major social shifts in society, including the emergence of a new working class. The latter was exposed to harsh conditions in the factories and was the victim of exploitation by the owners of production. The poor living conditions of the workers and the insistence of some socially-minded politicians and intellectuals led to the emergence of the first trade union movements towards the end of the 19th century. In my thesis I first outline the conditions for industrialization, its course and its consequences for the state and the citizens. In doing so, I will present the rise of merchants and feudal lords to land and production owners, who became the main actors of modernization and industrialization. I will present the reforms and events that led to the emergence of the labor pool from which the working class developed, the conditions under which workers lived and the conditions for the emergence of trade unions. In describing trade unions, I will focus on the people who made the fundamental contributions to the formation of trade union federations, their ideologies and the legacy of their activities. These include Takano Fusatarō and Katayama Sen.

Keywords:Meiji, working class, trade union, industrialization, reforms

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