
Pridobivanje strokovnih kompetenc študentov ALUO, smer industrijsko oblikovanje skozi delovno prakso
ID Vidnjevič, Nika (Author), ID Klinar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kuhar, Rok (Comentor)

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Osrednji problem diplomskega dela je pridobivanje poklicnih kompetenc študentov industrijskega obllikovanja skozi delovno prakso. Ta v študijski program industrijskega oblikovanja Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje (ALUO) do sedaj ni bila vključena; razmere in pričakovanja na trgu dela pa so se spremenile in že ob prvem nastopu na delo zahtevajo samostojnega in suverenega strokovnjaka. V diplomskem delu sem izdelala idealizirano uporabniško izkušnjo delovne prakse za študente industrijskega oblikovanja. Oblikovalskega procesa sem se lotila po modelu dvojnega diamanta. V raziskovalni fazi sem raziskovala teoretična ozadja pridobivanja kompetenc, zahteve sodobnega sveta glede znanja in kompetenc mladih strokovnjakov, do sedaj opravljene raziskave kompetentnosti študentov in s pomočjo ankete opravila raziskavo med študenti 3. letnika ALUO IO. Seznanila sem se z izkušnjo študijske delovne prakse na podobnih programih. V raziskovalni fazi sem ugotovila, da se študenti ob zaključku študija ne čutimo dovolj kompetentni za opravljanje poklica in da tako študenti kot profesorji prepoznavajo nujnost uvajanja študijske prakse. V projektivni fazi sem na podlagi vsega opisanega izdelala idealizirano uporabniško izkušnjo študijske prakse in po identifikaciji kritičnih točk uporabnikov podrobneje opredelila dve začetni kritični točki.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje, delovna praksa, uporabniška pot, kompetence, uporabniška izkušnja, storitveni načrt, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Acquisition of professional competencies of ALUO students, studying industrial design through work practice
This thesis explores the problem of competencies development in industrial design students of Academy of fine arts and design Ljubljana through student work practice. At this time student work practice is not jet included in the curriculum of faculty, but the modern work market demands skilled and competent professional from the onset of the career. The thesis presents idealised user journey of student work practice for students of industrial design ALUO. In the design process the double diamond method is used. In the research phase the theoretical background of competencies and modern world demands of them was explored. Also the data of previous research into competencies of industrial students is used. The competencies of students are further explored with questionary. Similar program student’s user experience was further explored with interview. In the research phase the need and demand for introducing the student work practice was firmly confirmed. Based on all the data collected the idealised user journey was built and put to the test. Users identified two critical points that were than further defined.

Keywords:industrial design, working practice, user journey, competencies, user experience, service blueprint, BA thesis

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