
Izdelava implantne nadgradnje iz polimerov z veliko zmogljivostjo (BioHPP) : diplomsko delo
ID Babnik, Barbara (Author), ID Bohinc, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fošnarič, Miha (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Pri implantnih nadgradnjah je pomemben dejavnik osteointegracija. To je biološki proces zaraščanja zobnega vsadka s kostjo. Ključen je za stabilnost vsadka ter se šteje kot predpogoj za obremenitev vsadka in dolgoročno klinično uspešnost implantne nadgradnje. Stik med vsadkom in kostjo ima precej manjšo prožnost v primerjavi s stikom zoba s kostjo, zato se sile, ki nastanejo pri žvečenju konstrukcij, podprtih z vsadki, neposredno prenašajo na kost. Neprožnost implantata tako zahteva višjo natančnost pri načrtovanju protetične konstrukcije. Obremenitev stika s kostjo lahko zmanjšamo tudi z uporabo vmesnika iz prožnega materiala, ki se deformira znotraj svojega območja elastičnosti in s tem vpija obremenitve. Polimerni material z visoko zmogljivostjo (BioHPP) je bil prav zato razvit kot material z izboljšanimi mehanskimi lastnostmi v primerjavi z materiali iz titana in cirkona. (Younes et al., 2020). Polietereterketon je sintetični polimerni material, ki se je v medicinski ortopediji uporabljal že vrsto let. V zobozdravstvu pa je bil nedavno ustvarjen in optimiziran termoplast, tako imenovan polimer z veliko zmogljivostjo na osnovi polietereterketona in posebnim polnilom iz keramičnih delcev, ki zagotavljajo veliko mehansko moč. Med njegove dobre lastnosti spadajo preprosta priprava in uporaba materiala, biokompatibilnost ter elastičnost, ki je podobna naravni kosti. Pri tem se zlahka spolira in ne obrablja antagonistov (Ardakani et al., 2021). BioHPP zaradi majhne prosojnosti in belkaste pigmentacije zahteva nanos materialov, ki zagotovijo estetski videz. V ta namen obstajajo kompozitni materiali za slojenje v estetskem zobozdravstvu (Fahmy et al., 2020). Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi strokovne in znanstvene literature predstaviti material BioHPP, ki se uporablja za izdelavo implantne nadgradnje. Izdelali smo tudi vijačeno implantno nadgradnjo iz materiala BioHPP in estetsko nadgradnjo s slojenim kompozitom Crea.lign. Pri tem so nas zanimale prednosti in slabosti materiala BioHPP. Metode dela: Strokovno in znanstveno literaturo smo iskali v slovenskem, angleškem in hrvaškem jeziku v zbirki podatkov PubMed in iskalnikom Google Učenjak (Google Schoolar) z uporabo ključnih besed: Bio-HPP, Bio-HPP abutments, Polymer, Composite, Visio.lign, Implant abutments, CAD CAM. Rezultate smo omejili na članke objavljene v zadnjih 17 letih. V zobnem laboratoriju smo izdelali opornik iz materiala BioHPP po metodi CAD/CAM, prav tako smo po metodi CAD/CAM izdelali nadgradnja, z nanosom kompozita pa smo oblikovali zob v končno obliko zoba. Rezultati: V rezultatih je predstavljen postopek izdelave vijačene implantne nadgradnje iz polimerov z veliko zmogljivostjo s tehnologijo CAD/CAM. Razprava in zaključek: Tehnologija CAD/CAM v zobni protetiki prinaša veliko novosti pri delu in materialih. Skrajša delovni čas in izboljša kakovost v implantološki protetiki. BioHPP spada med materiale, ki so se razvili v zadnjih letih in so po svetu postali priljubljeni zaradi svoje elastičnosti, majhne teže in možnosti zelo estetskih dograditev. V diplomskem delu smo z izdelavo vijačene implantne prevleke dokazali, da BioHPP zagotovi zelo estetski videz in je primeren za nadgradnje zobnih vsadkov.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, implantna vijačena nadgradnja, BioHPP, CAD/CAM
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Babnik]
Number of pages:49 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140586 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:121836035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Production of implant superstructure from high performance polymers (BioHPP) : diploma work
Introduction: When talking about implant superstructures, it is worth mentioning the importance of osseointegration. This is the biological process of the dental implant growing with the bone. It is crucial for the stability of the implant and is considered a prerequisite for the loading of the implant and the long-term clinical success of the implant augmentation. The contact between the implant and the bone has much less flexibility compared to the contact of the tooth with the bone, so the forces generated during chewing of structures supported by implants are directly transmitted to the bone. The inflexibility of the implant thus requires higher precision in the planning of the prosthetic construction. The load on the bone contact can also be reduced by using an interface made of a flexible material that deforms within its elastic range and thus absorbs loads. High performance polymer material (BioHPP) was therefore developed as a material with improved mechanical properties compared to titanium and zirconium materials. (Younes et al., 2020). Polyetheretherketone is a synthetic polymer material that has been used in medical orthopedics for many years. In dentistry, however, a thermoplastic has recently been created and optimized, a so-called high-performance polymer based on polyetheretherketone and a special filler made of ceramic particles that provide high mechanical strength. Among its good properties are the simple preparation and use of the material, biocompatibility and elasticity similar to natural bone. In doing so, it is easily coiled and does not wear down the antagonists (Ardakani et al., 2021). Due to its low translucency and whitish pigmentation, BioHPP requires the application of more aesthetic materials. For this purpose, there are composite materials for layering in aesthetic dentistry (Fahmy et al., 2020). Purpose: The aim of the thesis will be to present the BioHPP material used for production based on professional and scientific literature. In addition, we will make a screwed implant superstructure made of Bio HPP material and its aesthetic superstructure with layered composite Crea.lign. Here we will be interested in the advantages and disadvantages of Bio HPP material, what advantages does an implant abutment made of Bio HPP material have. Methods: Professional and scientific literature on the subject of Bio HPP will be searched in Slovenian, English and Croation languages through the PubMed database and Google Scholar using the keywords: Bio HPP, Bio HPP abutments, Polymer, Composite, Visio.lign, Implant abutments, CAD CAM. We will limit hits to articles published in the last 10 years. In the dental laboratory, an abutment will be made from Bio HPP material using the CAD/CAM method, and a superstructure will also be made using the CAD/CAM method, and the tooth will be shaped into its final shape by applying the composite. Results: The results present the process of manufacturing a screw retained implant superstructure from high-performance polymers (BioHPP using CAD/CAM technology. Discussion and conclusion: CAD/CAM technology in dental prosthetics brings many innovations in work and materials. Reduces working time and improves quality in implant prosthetics. BioHPP belongs to the materials that have been developed in recent years and have become popular worldwide due to their elasticity, light weight and the possibility of very aesthetic extensions. In the diploma work, we proved that BioHPP provides a very aesthetic appearance and is suitable for dental implant upgrades by making a screw-on implant cover.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, implant screw retained superstructure, BioHPP, CAD/CAM

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