
Sinteza liganda za ligazo E3 in njegova vgradnja v himerne razgrajevalce proteina B-celični limfom 2
ID Javornik, Špela (Author), ID Sosič, Izidor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bricelj, Aleša (Comentor)

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Obetaven terapevtski pristop pri razvoju zdravilnih učinkovin predstavlja modulacija aktivnosti proteinov v organizmu. Farmacevtska industrija se je v zadnjih 20 letih osredotočala predvsem na razvoj majhnih molekul, kamor spadajo zaviralci encimov, s katerimi lahko vplivamo na proteine. Majhne molekule delujejo po farmakološkem modelu zasedenosti, kar omejuje njihovo uporabo pri ciljanju farmakološko težje dostopnega dela proteoma. Poleg tega je za njihov maksimalen učinek pogosto potrebna visoka sistemska izpostavljenost, kar lahko vodi v pojav neželenih učinkov. Strategije, ki temeljijo na farmakološkem modelu dogodka, ponujajo bolj obetavne pristope za ciljanje tarčnih proteinov v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi nizkomolekularnimi zaviralci. Primer tovrstnega pristopa so molekule PROTAC, ki so sestavljene iz treh delov: liganda za vezavo na tarčni protein, liganda za vezavo na ligazo E3 in distančnika. Za svoje delovanje izkoriščajo ubikvitin proteasomski sistem, preko katerega inducirajo razgradnjo tarčnega proteina ter ga v celoti odstranijo. Molekule PROTAC so prvič opisali Crews in sodelavci leta 2001, do danes pa so bile razvite že številne spojine, ki ciljajo na več kot 50 različnih proteinov, mnogi izmed slednjih imajo pomembno vlogo pri razvoju raka, virusnih okužb, avtoimunskih in nevrodegenerativnih bolezni. Vseeno pa lahko kljub dobrim lastnostim molekul PROTAC njihov razvoj omejujejo težave pri doseganju ustrezne celične permeabilnosti. Kljub razcvetu področja pa metodologija PROTAC še zdaleč ni dosegla popolnega razvoja. Velik potencial kaže predvsem pri zdravljenju raka, ki je sposoben hitro mutirati in lahko povzroči rezistenco na klasične zaviralce. Ena izmed tarč, ki je pogosto udeležena v razvoju različnih oblik raka (multipli mielom, kronična limfocitna levkemija, akutna limfoblastna levkemija, rak dojke in pljučni rak), je antiapoptotični protein Bcl-2, saj njegovo prekomerno izražanje zavre apoptozo in pogosto vodi v pojav rezistence na zdravljenje s klasičnimi zaviralci. Ravno zato predstavlja obetavno tarčo za zdravljenje teh oblik bolezni prav z uporabo himernih razgrajevalcev. V sklopu magistrske naloge smo sintetizirali ligand za IAP (ligaza E3), ki smo ga z dvema različnima distančnikoma povezali z ligandom za Bcl-2 v končni molekuli PROTAC. Preliminarno vrednotenje na eni izmed celičnih linij pri izbranih pogojih testiranja je pokazalo, da razgradnje Bcl-2 nismo dosegli. V prihodnje bo smiselno te spojine vrednotiti še na drugih celičnih linijah, pri različnih koncentracijah in s spreminjanjem časa testiranja.

Keywords:himerni razgrajevalci, protein Bcl-2, protein IAP, apoptoza.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140495 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2022
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Title:Synthesis of an E3 ligase ligand and its incorporation into chimeric degraders of B-cell lymphoma 2 protein
A promising therapeutic approach in the development of medicinal agents is modulation of protein activity. In the last 20 years, the pharmaceutical industry has mainly focused on the development of small molecules, including enzyme inhibitors which can be used for target modulation. Small-molecule inhibitors exert their action through ''occupancy-driven'' model, which limits their use in targeting ''undruggable'' proteome. In addition, their maximum effect often requires a high systemic exposure which can lead to the occurrence of unwanted side effects. Strategies based on ''event-driven'' pharmacology offer more promising approaches for targeting proteins compared to traditional small-molecule inhibitors. An example of this approach are PROTACs (proteolysis-targeting chimeras), which consist of three parts: a ligand for binding to the target protein, a ligand for binding to the E3 ligase and a linker. These compounds exploit the ubiquitin proteasome pathway by inducing degradation of the target protein and thus completely removing it. PROTACs were first described by Crews and coworkers in 2001, and to date numerous compounds have been developed. These target more than 50 different proteins, many of which play an important role in the development of cancer, viral infections, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. However, despite their great characteristics the use of PROTACs is mainly limited by their low cell permeability. The PROTACs methodology it is still far from fully developed. It shows a great potential especially in the treatment of cancer, as PROTACs are also capable of depleting rapidly mutatig and resistance-prone targets. One target that is often involved in the development of various forms of cancer (such as multiple myeloma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, breast cancer and lung cancer) is Bcl-2 protein. In cases of its overexpression apoptosis in blocked, which causes resistance to treatment with classical small-molecule inhibitors. Therefore, Bcl-2 represents an appropriate target for the treatment of Bcl-2 dependent cancers using PROTACs. In this work we synthesized a ligand for IAP (an E3 ligase), which we connected with two different linkers to a ligand for Bcl-2 to obtain the designed PROTAC molecules. Preliminary cell-based evaluations showed no Bcl-2 degradation under selected treatment conditions. Future cellular evaluation should encompass a wider variety of cancer cells and more treatment conditions such as prolonged treatment time and different concentration range.

Keywords:proteolysis targeting chimera, Bcl-2 protein, IAP, apoptosis.

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