
Analiza ekonomskih učinkov pandemije covida-19 na turizem : diplomsko delo
ID Štimnikar, Mihael (Author), ID Petkovšek, Veronika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izbruh pandemije covida-19 je močno prizadel gospodarstva po svetu, vključno s turistično panogo, ki predstavlja eno pomembnejših gospodarskih dejavnosti. Tudi Slovenija je med destinacijami, ki čutijo velik negativen vpliv na področju turizma. Cilj diplomskega dela je proučiti ekonomske učinke covida-19 na turizem po svetu in v Sloveniji. Pri tem smo se osredotočili tudi na konkretno podjetje v turistični panogi, Postojnska jama, d. d., in vpliv covida-19 na uspešnost njegovega poslovanja. Vsako podjetje stremi k temu, da je uspešno in da deluje učinkovito. To pomeni, da »dobro stoji« na trgu, ljudje vanj investirajo, podjetje pa ustvarja dobiček. To smo na izbranem primeru podjetja preverili s pomočjo izračuna treh kazalnikov uspešnosti poslovanja: s kazalnikom gospodarnosti, kazalnikom donosnosti in kazalnikom produktivnosti. Namen diplomskega dela je omogočiti vpogled v uspešnost poslovanja izbranega podjetja, preko analize kazalnikov učinkovitosti in uspešnosti. V okviru diplomskega dela smo opisali pojem turizma, opisali turizem kot gospodarsko panogo, predstavili vrste turizma, negativne in pozitivne vplive pandemije covida-19 na turizem, ekonomske dejavnike turizma (povpraševanja in ponudbe), namen, cilje, orodja in metode analize poslovanja, pojma uspešnost in učinkovitost, ter kazalnike učinkovitosti in uspešnosti. S pomočjo analize poslovanja smo ugotovili uspešnost in učinkovitost poslovanja izbranega podjetja v obdobju 2016–2020. Rezultati analize poslovanja prikazujejo uspešno in učinkovito poslovanje, izstopa le leto 2020, ko je bilo poslovanje slabše zaradi epidemije covida-19. Diplomsko delo je namenjeno vsem zainteresiranim bralcem, še posebej pa zaposlenim v izbranem podjetju. Rezultati omogočajo vpogled v delovanje podjetja. Analizo bi bilo uporabno nadaljevati tudi v prihodnje, da bi se videle dolgoročne spremembe v poslovanju izbranega podjetja po pandemiji covida-19.

Keywords:turizem, pandemija, covid-19, analiza poslovanja, uspešnost, učinkovitost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Štimnikar]
Number of pages:X, 40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140385 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122648067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The analysis of economic impacts of Covid-19 epidemy on tourism
The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic has severly affected economies around the world, including the tourism industry, which is one of the most important economic activities. Slovenia is also one of the destinations that feels a great negative impact on the tourism. The goal of the thesis is to study the economic effects of Covid-19 on tourism around the world and in Slovenia. The focus is also on the specific company in the tourism industry in Slovenia, the Postonjska jama d.d., and on the impact of Covid-19 on the performance of its business. Every company strives to be succesfull and to operate efficiently. This means »standing well« on the market, people investing in it and the business makes profit. We determined this by calculating the three performance indicators: the economy indicator, the profitability indicator and the productivity indicator. The purpose of the thesis is to provide insight into the performance of the selected company, through the analysis of efficiency and effectiveness indicators. We described the concept of tourism, described tourism as an economic sector, presented different types of tourism, the negative and positive effects of the Covid–19 pandemic, economic factors of tourism(supply and demand), it's purpose, goals, tools and methods of business analysis, the concept of performance and efficiency and its indicators. The performance analysis was used to determine the performance and efficiency of the selected company over the period 2016 - 2020. The results of the business analysis show a successful and efficient business, with only the year 2020 standing out, when business was less successful due to the epidemic of Covid-19. The thesis are intended for all interested readers, but especially for the employees of the selected company. The results provide an insight into the company's performance. It would be useful to continue with the analysis in the future to see the long-term changes and impacts after the covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords:tourism, pandemic, covid-19, business analysis, performance, efficiency

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