
ID Gregl, Maja (Avtor), ID Barši, Jože (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Berlot Pompe, Uršula (Komentor)

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MD5: BF2816F2881C655BB6A7F75F3B2BC67E

V diplomskem delu se ukvarjam predvsem s procesom, torej fizičnim delom, ki vodi do željene forme s principom odvzemanja, ki temelji na blokovnem formatu. Izhajam iz materialne kombinacije lesa in dodajanja steklenih elementov, s čimer vzpostavim medsebojno komunikacijo in simbiotsko povezanost različnih materialnosti. Ukvarjam se z vprašanjem, kako dva popolnoma nasprotujoča si materiala povežem v celoto (les in steklo), hkrati me zanimajo simbolika, miti in legende izbranega lesa. Pri nekaterih skulpturah se ukvarjam s problematiko statike, prezentacije samega dela, torej s problematiko skulpture v odnosu do prostora. Raziskujem kiparstvo v 20. stoletju, kjer so se umetniki ukvarjali z negativnim prostorom v skulpturi, prav tako je v tistem času prišlo do velike spremembe definicije kiparstva oziroma širšega polja umetnosti.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:kiparstvo, forma, les, steklo, komunikacija, prostor, negativni prostor v skulpturi, proces, statika, simbioza, diplomska naloga
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ALUO - Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140381 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:14.09.2022
Število ogledov:587
Število prenosov:70
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
In my thesis I am mainly concerned with the process, the physical work that leads to the desired form, the principle of subtraction based on the block format. My work proceeds from the material combination of wood and the addition of glass elements, thus establishing the intercommunication and symbiotic interconnection of different materialities. I am dealing with the question of how to integrate two completely contradictory materials into a whole (wood and glass), while at the same time I am interested in the symbolism, myths and legends of the chosen wood. In some of my sculptures I am dealing with the problem of statics, the presentation of the work itself, i.e. the problem of the sculpture in relation to space. I am researching sculpture in the 20th century, where artists were dealing with negative space in sculpture, and there was also a big change in the definition of sculpture, or the broader field of art, at that time.

Ključne besede:sculpture, form, wood, glass, communication, space, negative space sculpture, process, statics, symbiosis, BA thesis

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