In my thesis, I analyzed books for teaching Slovenian as a second and foreign language from the point of view of phonetics content. I paid attention to the number and types of tasks, the goal of which is for the user to eventually become a confident and independent speaker of Slovene language, who speaks in accordance with the orthographic norm. I analyzed the following textbooks: Slovenščina ekspres 1, Slovenska beseda v živo 1a, Naprej pa v slovenščini, Pot do izpita iz slovenščine, S slovenščino po svetu, Čas za slovenščino 1 and Čas za slovenščino 2. I also included the book Fonetika 1 and additional materials that can be used for teaching. I found out that the greatest progress in the field of orthography in the last decade was made by the book Fonetika 1 (2019), which leads the user to correct pronunciation with a theoretical explanation of phonetics and a lot of practical exercises. In other, more recent textbooks on beginner’s level, the proportion of orthoepy is higher than it was a decade ago, but the situation is still not ideal. In particular, the textbooks would need more audio recordings, which would also be added for tasks that are not intended for listening comprehension, as this enables the user to come into contact with Slovenian language in accordance with the orthographic norm, at user’s level of knowledge and with the vocabulary he knows. Books should also include more phonetics exercises - in some books they are present, but in a very reduced form.