
Vpliv izkustvenega učenja na strah do kač učencev sedmega razreda osnovne šole
ID Janežič, Sara (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na odnos otrok do živali lahko pomembno vplivajo odrasli, zgodbe in miti. V 7. razredu osnovne šole učenci pri pouku naravoslovja spoznavajo zgradbo in delovanje različnih živalskih skupin, med njimi tudi plazilce, kamor so uvrščene kače. Kače so ena izmed najbolj nepriljubljenih in strah vzbujajočih živalskih vrst med otroki in odraslimi. Učitelji s svojim delovanjem vplivajo na razvijanje učenčevega pozitivnega, odgovornega in spoštljivega odnosa do vseh življenjskih oblik. Priporočeno je, da je pouk naravoslovja v 40 odstotkih zasnovan na izkustvenem učenju, kamor sodita terensko in laboratorijsko delo. S sedmošolci smo izvedli empirično raziskavo, s katero smo želeli ugotoviti, kako so izkustveno učenje, predhodna neposredna izkušnja in spol v korelaciji s stopnjo strahu pred kačami in asociacijami na ta organizem. V ta namen smo v dveh zaporednih tednih opravili kvazi eksperiment. V prvem tednu raziskave so učenci izpolnili anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval Snake Questionnaire (SNAQ), metodo prostih asociacij na besedo »kača«, vprašanje o predhodni neposredni izkušnji s kačo ter nekaj demografskih vprašanj. V drugem tednu so učenci v eksperimentalni skupini prisostvovali pri učni uri izkustvenega učenja s kačo. Ta je vsebovala tri faze: opazovanje, neposredno izkušnjo in samoiniciativo učencev. V kontrolni skupini smo izvedli vsebinsko enako učno uro s pomočjo slikovnega materiala in učiteljeve razlage. Obe skupini sta v drugem tednu raziskave po učni uri ponovno izpolnili enak anketni vprašalnik. V prvem tednu raziskave je v njej sodelovalo 180 učencev, v drugem tednu se je število sodelujočih zmanjšalo na 148. Starost učencev je bila 12–13 let. Rezultati so pokazali, da izkustveno učenje statistično nepomembno zmanjšuje strah pred kačami pri učencih 7. razreda osnovne šole. Učenci so imeli že pred izvedbo učne ure nizko stopnjo strahu do kač. Obe vrsti učenja sta vplivali na asociacije, ki jih imajo učenci na besedo »kača«. Opise osnovnih značilnosti kač in neprijetne občutke so učenci po učenju nadomestili z novimi lastnimi opažanji, občutki in novim znanjem, ki so ga pridobili med učnimi urami. Učenke so pokazale statistično nepomembno višjo stopnjo strahu pred kačami kot učenci.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140262 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120904451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of experiential learning on primary school grade 7 students' fear of snakes
Children's attitude towards animals can be significantly influenced by adults, stories and myths. In the 7th grade of elementary school, during science lessons, students learn about the structure and function of various animal groups, including reptiles, which includes snakes. Snakes are one of the most unpopular and feared animals among children and adults. Through their actions, teachers influence the development of students' positive, responsible and respectful attitude towards all forms of life. It is recommended that 40 percent of science lessons be based on experiential learning, which includes field and laboratory work. We conducted an empirical research with seventh-graders, with which we wanted to find out how experiential learning, previous direct experience and gender are correlated with the level of fear of snakes and associations with this organism. For this purpose, we conducted a quasi-experiment in two consecutive weeks. During the first week of the research, the students filled out a questionnaire that included the Snake Questionnaire (SNAQ), a method of free association to the word "snake", a question about previous direct experience with a snake, and some demographic questions. In the second week, the students in the experimental group participated in an experiential learning lesson with a snake. This contained three phases: observation, direct experience and self-initiative of the students. In the control group, we conducted the same lesson with the help of visual material and the teacher's explanation. In the second week of the research, both groups completed the same questionnaire again after the lesson. In the first week of the research, 180 students participated in it, in the second week the number of participants decreased down to 148. The students were 12 or 13 years of age. The results showed that experiential learning statistically insignificantly reduces the fear of snakes in 7th grade elementary school students. The students had a low level of fear of snakes even before the lesson. Both types of learning influenced the associations students had with the word "snake." After learning, the students replaced the descriptions of the basic characteristics of snakes and unpleasant feelings with their own observations, feelings and newly acquired knowledge, which was presented during the lessons. Female students showed a statistically insignificant higher level of fear of snakes than male students.


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