
Tekstil kot umetniški material
ID Zupan, Maruša (Author), ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati in predstaviti tekstil kot umetniški material. Na kratko smo se lotili splošne predstavitve materiala in njegove zgodovine ter se kasneje navezali na to, kako je ta postal del likovnih in umetniških del. Bolj podrobnega opisa smo se lotili pri povezavi tekstila z umetniškim svetom, kako je tekstil vstopil vanj in kakšno mesto ima ta v sodobni umetnosti. Omenjali smo velika imena modernih in sodobnih umetnikov, ki so znali iz tega obsežnega materiala in ročnih spretnosti potegniti velik potencial, ki ga nosi. Preden se je tekstil iz materiala ročnih spretnosti in obrti povzpel po hierarhiji umetniških materialov, je prehodil razburljivo pot, ki se še danes kdaj prekriža z ročnimi deli in obrtjo. Ker nam tekstil omogoča širok izbor tehnik, smo v enem izmed poglavij predstavili najbolj ključne. Tako smo se v njem približali tehnikam, kot so vezenje, kvačkanje, krpanje, šivanje in slikanje ter tiskanje na tekstil. Vsako tehniko smo na kratko opisali ter jo umestili v svet umetnosti, tako da smo jo podprli s sodobnimi umetniki, ki ta medij in material uporabljajo v svojih praksah. V drugem delu diplomskega dela smo se lotili predstavitve svojega avtorskega dela, ki je knjiga umetnika. Za delo nas je inspirirala umetnica Louise Bourgeois, ki je proti koncu svojega življenja v svoje ilustrirane knjige začela kombinirati blago. Namen avtorskega dela je bil preizkusiti opisane tehnike in z njimi ustvariti različne rezultate. Želeli smo dokazati, da je tekstil lahko enakovreden material čopiču in paleti, da se z njim lahko izrazi vse, kar bi si želeli izraziti tudi z akvareli ali fotografijo, ter da nam ponuja ogromno tehnik, ki nam omogočajo veliko ekspresionističnega izražanja.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140252 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120772611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Textiles as an art material
The goal of my dissertation is to explore and present textiles as artistic material. I will briefly discuss the general presentation of the material and its history, and then discuss how it became a part of art. I will describe in more detail the connection between textiles and the art world, how textiles entered art, and their place in contemporary art. I will mention the great names of modern and contemporary artists who have known how to draw great potential from this vast material and its technical possibilities. Before textiles rose in the hierarchy of artistic materials, they trod an exciting path that still permeates the craft of art today. Since textiles allow us a wide range of techniques, I present the most important ones in one of the chapters. In doing so, I go into more detail about techniques such as embroidery, crochet, mending, sewing and painting, and textile printing. I briefly describe each technique and place it in the world of art, connecting it to contemporary artists who use this medium and material in their practice. I begin the second part of my thesis by presenting my own work, an artist's book. I was inspired by the feminist artist Louise Bourgeois, who toward the end of her life began combining goods in her illustrated books. The purpose of the author's work was to try out the techniques she described and achieve different results with them. I wanted to prove that textiles can be an equivalent material to a brush and a palette, that they can express everything we want to express with watercolors or photography, and that they offer us a lot of techniques that allow us a lot of expressionist expression.


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