
Zagotavljanje zakonitosti transakcij na verigi blokov z uporabo samosuverene identitete
ID STRLIČ, LAN (Author), ID Stankovski, Vlado (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Banke in ostale finančne institucije morajo dandanes zadovoljiti celi vrsti regulativnih zahtev, ki se osredotočajo na pregled njihove stranke in preprečevanje pranja denarja. Potencialno rešitev za skalabilno in učinkovito izvajanje postopkov pregleda stranke predstavlja koncept samosuverene digitalne identitete (SSI) z uporabo decentraliziranih identifikatorjev (DID) in preverljivih poverilnic. Na podlagi problema so bile definirane zahteve praktične rešitve, ki so služile kot iztočnica za načrtovanje arhitekture z uporabo UML diagramov in izbiro ustreznih tehnologij, uporabljenih pri implementaciji. V okviru diplomske naloge smo izdelali aplikacijo, ki predstavlja praktično demonstracijo uporabe SSI za izpolnjevanje pogojev zakonov o pregledu stranke za izvajanju transakcij na Ethereum verigi blokov. Funkcionalnosti SSI so bile razvite z uporabo ogrodja Veramo ter DID metodo ethr, ki temelji na Ethereum verigi blokov. Z namenom omogočanja vizualnega pregleda skladnosti transakcij z omenjenimi zakoni, aplikacija nato podatke o izvedenih transakcijah ter metapodatke o poverilnicah zapiše v lokalno podatkovno bazo Neo4j, ki se uporabi za vizualizacijo podatkov verige blokov v obliki grafa. Ugotovili smo, da implementacija SSI z uporabo DID in preverljivih poverilnic, ki temeljijo na DID metodi ethr, predstavljajo enostaven in učinkovit mehanizem za izdajanje digitalnih poverilnic, ki se uporabijo za dokazovanje izpolnjevanja pogojev zakonov pregleda stranke. Izpostavili smo izrazito prednost ponovne uporabe izdanih poverilnic, nezmožnost ponarejanja poverilnic in dejstva, da se izdane poverilnice hranijo izključno pri uporabniku in ne tudi v centraliziranih podatkovnih bazah. Poleg tega lahko potencialni regulator z uporabo vizualiziranega grafa na preprost način preveri ali imajo stranke (naslovi in transakcije na Ethereum verigi blokov) ustrezna potrdila.

Keywords:digitalna identiteta, samosuverena identiteta, SSI, DID, preverljiva poverilnica, pregled stranke, veriga blokov, Ethereum, Neo4j, vizualizacija, graf
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140244 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122886915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Ensuring the legality of blockchain transactions using Self-Sovereign Identity
Banks and other financial institutions today have to satisfy a whole range of regulatory requirements that focus on customer due diligence and preventing money laundering. A potential solution for the scalable and efficient implementation of customer screening processes is the concept of self-sovereign identity (SSI) using decentralized Identifiers (DID) and verifiable credentials. Based on the problem, the requirements of a practical solution were defined, which served as a starting point for the design of the architecture using UML diagrams and the selection of appropriate technologies used in the implementation. As part of the thesis, we created an application that represents a practical demonstration of the use of SSI to meet the requirements of customer due diligence laws and know your customer (KYC) guidelines to conduct transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. The functionalities of SSI were developed using the Veramo framework and the ethr DID method, which is based on the Ethereum blockchain. With the aim of enabling a visual review of the compliance of transactions with the aforementioned legislation, the application then stores data about executed transactions and metadata about verifiable credentials to the local Neo4j database, which is used to visualize blockchain data in the form of a graph. We have found that the implementation of SSI using DID and verifiable credentials based on the ethr DID method provides a simple and efficient mechanism for issuing digital credentials that can be used to demonstrate compliance with customer verification laws. We highlighted the distinct advantage of reusing issued credentials, the impossibility of falsifying issued credentials and the fact that issued credentials are store exclusively on user's personal device and not in any centralized databases. In addition, a potential regulator can easily check whether clients (addresses and transactions on the Ethereum blockchain) have the appropriate certificates using the visualized graph.

Keywords:digital identity, self-sovereign identity, SSI, DID, verifiable credential, KYC, blockchain, Ethereum, Neo4j, visualization, graph

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