
Mehanizem okrepljenega sodelovanja v Evropski uniji
ID Vilicer, Bria (Author), ID Pogorelčnik Vogrinc, Neža (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mehanizem, ki je bil najprej uveljavljen v Amsterdamski pogodbi kot tesnejše sodelovanje, s Pogodbo iz Nice preimenovan v okrepljeno sodelovanje, danes pa z istim poimenovanjem urejen v Lizbonski pogodbi (v določbah Pogodbe o Evropski uniji in določbah Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije), omogoča vsaj devetim državam članicam Evropske unije, da z namenom uresničevanja ciljev Evropske unije, zaščite njenih interesov in krepitve njenih integracijskih procesov med seboj sodelujejo na področjih, ki sodijo med deljene pristojnosti Evropske unije, in ta področja enotno uredijo. Okrepljeno sodelovanje se uporabi kot zadnje sredstvo, in sicer kadar določen cilj ne more biti dosežen s strani Evropske unije kot celote v nekem razumnem časovnem obdobju. Vsi akti, sprejeti v okviru okrepljenega sodelovanja, morajo biti sprejeti v skladu s pogodbami in pravom Evropske unije, zavezujejo pa le države članice, ki pri njem sodelujejo. Mehanizem je odprt in omogoča vsem nesodelujočim državam članicam, da se lahko kadarkoli pridružijo že obstoječemu okrepljenemu sodelovanju. Do okrepljenega sodelovanja je prišlo na petih področjih, in sicer na področju razveze zakonske zveze in prenehanja življenjske skupnosti, na področju premoženjskih razmerij čezmejnih parov, na področju evropskega patenta z enotnim učinkom, na področju davka na finančne transakcije in na področju vzpostavitve Evropskega javnega tožilstva.

Keywords:okrepljeno sodelovanje, Lizbonska pogodba, integracija, ultima ratio, deljene pristojnosti, razveza zakonske zveze, premoženjska razmerja čezmejnih parov, enotno patentno varstvo, Evropsko javno tožilstvo, davek na finančne transakcije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139980 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:121739011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Mechanism of enhanced cooperation in the European Union
The mechanism, which was first established under the Treaty of Amsterdam as closer cooperation, renamed to enhanced cooperation with the Treaty of Nice, and nowadays regulated by the same name in the Treaty of Lisbon (in the provisions of the Treaty of the European Union and the provisions of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union), enables to at least nine member states of the European Union, that with the aim of realizing the goals of the European Union and protecting its integration processes, they cooperate with each other in the areas that fall under shared competences of European Union and regulate these areas uniformly. Enhanced cooperation is used as a last resort when a specific objective cannot be achieved by the European Union as a whole within a reasonable period of time. All acts adopted within the framework of enhanced cooperation must be adopted in accordance with the Treaties and the law of the European Union, and are binding only on the participating member states. The mechanism is open and allows all non-cooperating member states to join the already existing enhanced cooperation at any time. Enhanced cooperation has been established in five areas, namely in the area of divorce and legal separation, in the area of property regime rules for international couples, in the area of European patent with unitary effect, in the area of financial transactions tax, and in the area of establishment of European Public Prosecutor's Office.

Keywords:enhanced cooperation, Treaty of Lisbon, integration, ultima ratio, shared competences, divorce, property regime rules for international couples, unitary patent protection, European Public Prosecutor's Office, financial transaction tax

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