
Razvoj in izvedba namiznega inventarja po umetniškem opusu Helene in Ivana Vurnika
ID Mamić, Rebeka (Author), ID Jenko, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo spremlja proces oblikovanja in izvedbe sklepne tekstilne kolekcije namiznega inventarja za domače in javne potrebe. Teoretični del zajema analizo življenjskega in umetniškega opusa Ivana in Helene Vurnik. Posebej se dotakne njunega razvoja slovenskega narodnega sloga, ornamentike in del v sodelovanju s katoliško Cerkvijo. Obravnava tudi sodobno ponudbo vodilnih oblikovalskih hiš na tem področju. Osrednji del naloge je ustvarjalni del na podlagi videnih del zakoncev Vurnik. Po navdihu detajlov, barv in simbolike se razvije v kolekcijo tekstilnih vzorcev in prenese na tekstilni material ter na ročno izdelane krožnike iz porcelana. Cilj je na sodoben način interpretirati tradicionalno izročilo zakoncev Vurnik in ponovno uporabiti tradicionalno tekstilno ornamentalno motiviko. Sklep je s prtom pogrnjena jedilna miza, ki jo dopolnjuje set krožnikov iz porcelana za domačo, tradicionalno in vsakdanjo družinsko rabo. Hkrati je pa primerna tudi za praznične priložnosti, saj sta tako prt kot tudi krožnik, nekaj posebnega. Izhajata iz predanega ustvarjalnega obreda zakoncev Vurnik, v tem duhu sta pridobila svojo medsebojno usklajenost in posebnost. Oba sta premišljeno oblikovana, ustrezno narejena po ustreznih tehnoloških tekstilnih tiskarskih postopkih in tehnoloških navodilih ter pripravljena na dolgo življenjsko dobo. Projekt je bil predstavljen na dveh razstavah. Prva je potekala v okviru Vurnikovih dni v Šivčevi hiši v Radovljici in druga v Galeriji Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Spomeniškovarstvenega centra v Ljubljani. V času Vurnikovih dni so z istimi vzorci potiskani tekači in desertni krožniki oplemenitili mize radovljiške Hiše Linhart, kjer je kuharski mojster Uroš Štefelin pripravil posebni Vurnikov jedilnik.

Keywords:namizni inventar, Ivan Vurnik, nagelj, sitotisk, slovenska tradicija, porcelan
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2022
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Title:Development and the making of tableware, based on Ivan and Helena Vurnik’s artistic opus
The thesis examines the process of designing and implementing a final textile collection of tableware for domestic and public use. The theoretical part includes an analysis of the life and artistic oeuvre of Ivan and Helena Vurnik. It particularly concentrates on their development of the Slovenian national style, ornamentation and works in collaboration with the Catholic Church. It also researches contemporary offerings of the leading design houses in the field. The main part of the thesis represents my creative work based on the works of the Vurnik couple. Inspired by details, colours and symbolism, my work evolves into a collection of textile patterns and is transferred onto textile material and handmade porcelain plates. The aim is to interpret the traditional legacy of the Vurnik couple in a contemporary way and reuse traditional textile ornamental motifs. The final piece is a dining table covered with a tablecloth, complemented by a set of porcelain plates for domestic, traditional and everyday family use. At the same time, it is also suitable for festive occasions, as both the tablecloth and the plate are exceptional. They are both rooted in the dedicated creative ritual of the Vurnik couple, who have in this spirit acquired their harmony and distinctiveness. Both the plate and the tablecloth are thoughtfully designed, properly made according to the appropriate textile printing processes and technological instructions, and ready for lifelong usage. The project was presented in two exhibitions. The first one took place in the framework of Vurnik Days at Šivec’s House in Radovljica. The second one was at the Gallery of the Slovenian Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Centre for Monuments and Heritage in Ljubljana. During the Vurnik Days, the same patterned table runners and dessert plates enriched the tables of Radovlica’s Linhart House, where master chef Uroš Štefelin prepared a special Vurnik menu.

Keywords:tableware, Ivan Vurnik, carnation, screen printing, Slovenian tradition, porcelain

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