
Uporaba animacije za izboljšanje pomnjenja in razumevanja
ID Karo, Nuša (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Animacija je koristno orodje za izobraževanje, ki se lahko uporablja za izpolnjevanje afektivne ali kognitivne funkcije. Tema diplomskega dela je osredotočena predvsem na kognitivno funkcijo, saj je bil cilj testirati vpliv animacije na pomnjenje in razumevanje. Delo je razdeljeno na dva dela. Pri teoretičnem delu so preučeni osnovni pojmi animacije, pomnjenja in razumevanja ter raziskana uporaba animacije v izobraževanju in dejavniki, ki vplivajo na učno uspešnost. Narejen je tudi pregled že obstoječih raziskav na tem področju, kar je oblikovalo temelje za nadaljevanje v eksperimentalnem delu. V eksperimentalnem delu je bilo na podlagi strokovne literature o tematiki ozona sestavljeno besedilo, izrisan zgodboris, oblikovana in animirana grafika ter dodana naracija in ostali zvočni elementi. Po končani izdelavi animacije je bila narejena anketa, ki je testirala pomnjenje in razumevanje skupine, ki ji je bila tematika ozona predstavljena z animacijo in skupine, ki si je o problematiki prebrala besedilo. Rezultati testiranja so analizirani in predstavljeni z grafi. V razpravi je potrjena hipoteza, ki je trdila, da uporaba animacije izboljša pomnjenje in razumevanje. Podana je interpretacija rezultatov testiranja ter komentarji, kaj bi lahko spremenili pri poteku raziskave in kako bi raziskavo v prihodnosti lahko nadaljevali.

Keywords:animacija, pomnjenje, razumevanje, izobraževanje, ozon
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139975 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Use of animation to improve retention and understanding of information
Animation is a useful educational tool that can be used to fulfill an affective or cognitive function. The topic of the thesis focuses mainly on cognitive function, as the aim was to test the impact of animation on retention and understanding. The work is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part, the basic concepts of animation, retention and understanding are studied, as well as the use of animation in education and the factors that affect learning performance. A review of existing research in this field has also been made, which has laid the foundation for continuing in the experimental part. In the experimental part, on the basis of professional literature on the topic of ozone, a text was compiled, a storyboard was drawn, graphics were designed and animated and narration and other sound elements were added. After the animation was completed, a survey was conducted to test the retention and understanding of the group, which was introduced to the topic of ozone with animation, and the group, which read the text on the issue. Results are analyzed and presented in graphs. The discussion confirmed the hypothesis that the use of animation improves retention and understanding. At the end is interpretation of the results and comments on what it could be changed in the course of the research and how the research could be continued in the future.

Keywords:animation, retention, understanding, education, ozone

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