
Izdelava inkrementalnega dajalnika in zasnova merilnega vezja
ID KREVELJ, NIK (Author), ID Ambrožič, Vanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu se ukvarjam z inkrementalnim dajlanikom kota zasuka. V prvem delu je na kratko razdelana teorija merjenja kota zasuka in opisanih nekaj izbranih merilnikih, s poudarkom na optičnem inkrementalnem dajalniku. V nadaljevanju je opisana zasnova logičnega sklopa, s pomočjo katerega lahko na podlagi fazno zamaknjenih izhodnih signalov iz dajalnika ugotovimo smer vrtenja in kot zasuka vrtečega se dela stroja. Delovanje sklopa je nato preverjenjo še s simulacijo v programskem okolju Simulink. Sledi realizacija sklopa v programu LabView. Program sem nato naložil na mikroračunalnik MyRio, podtjetja National Instruments. Nanj sem potem priključil industrijski inkrementalni dajalnik in testiral delovanje v praksi. Zadnji del naloge pa opisuje še izdelavo in preizkus enostavnega optičnega inkrementalnega dajalnika.

Keywords:Merjenje kota zasuka, inkrementalni dajalnik, detekcija smeri vrtenja, senzorji kota zasuka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139927 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120788739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Realization of an incremental encoder and design of a measurement circuit
The thesis deals with incremental rotary encoders. The first part briefly gives an overview of the theory on angle measurements and describes a few chosen angle sensors, with an emphasis on the optical incremental encoder. The next part describes the design of a logic circuit, that, based on the two phase shifted output signals of the encoder, detects the direction and calculates the angle of rotation of a rotating machine part. The third chapter addresses the realization of the circuit in LabView. The program is then uploaded to the micro controller MyRio, manufactured by National Instruments. As a next step a real industrial encoder is connected to it, to test if my logic circuit works as intended. In the last chapter of the thesis I describe how I built and tested a home-made optical incremental encoder.

Keywords:Angle of rotation measurement, incremental rotary encoder, rotation direction detection, angle measurement sensors

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