
Parametrični model učinkovitosti solarnega hladilnega sistema
ID Ozmec, Primož (Author), ID Arkar, Ciril (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Hlajenje trenutno predstavlja velik delež porabe energije na svetu, kar je posledica globalnega segrevanja, širitve grajenega okolja in dviga standarda bivalnega ugodja. Poleti, ko so potrebe po hlajenju največje in je na voljo največ sončnega sevanja, je smiselno uporabiti toplotno gnani hladilni sistem. V diplomski nalogi je glavni predmet proučevanja solarni hladilni sistem, ki je vgrajen v energijsko samozadostno stavbo Laboratorija za okoljske tehnologije v zgradbah, imenovano Celica. V programu Excel smo izdelali numerične modele za analizo delovanja posameznih komponent solarnega hladilnega sistema in rezultate numeričnega izračuna validirali s pomočjo meritev. Ugotovili smo, da lahko fotonapetostne celice uporabimo kot merilnike sončnega sevanja. Izračunali smo dnevno učinkovitost sprejemnikov sončne energije, ki je ob pogojih meritev znašala od 0,27 do 0,31. Validirali smo spreminjanje temperature v hranilniku toplote in ugotovili, da so toplotne izgube manjše od dovoljenih po Direktivi o okoljski primerni zasnovi 814/2013. Z numeričnim modelom za izračun delovanja solarnega hladilnega sistema smo izračunali dnevni COP hladilne naprave, ki je znašal od 0,72 do 0,74. Poleg predlog v Excelu, smo pripravili nabor vprašanj za laboratorijske vaje v okviru predmetov Laboratorija za okoljske tehnologije v zgradbah.

Keywords:solarni hladilni sistem, sprejemniki sončne energije, sončno sevanje, učinkovitost delovanja, numerični model
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Ozmec]
Number of pages:XXII, 57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139884 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:135047683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Parametric model of efficiency of solar cooling system
Cooling currently represents a large share of energy consumption in the world, resulting from global warming, the expansion of the built environment and the rise of the standard of living comfort. In the summer, when the need for cooling is the highest and the most solar radiation is available, it makes sense to use a thermally driven cooling system. In the diploma, the main subject of study is the solar cooling system, which is built into the energy self-sufficient building of the Laboratory for Sustainable Technologies in Buildings, called Celica. We created numerical models in the Excel program to analyze the operation of individual components of the solar cooling system and validated the results of the numerical calculation with the help of measurements. We have discovered that photovoltaic cells can be used as solar radiation meters. We calculated the daily efficiency of solar energy receivers, which under the measurement conditions ranged from 0,27 to 0,31. We validated the change in temperature in the heat storage tank and found that the heat losses are lower than permitted under the Environmental Design Directive 814/2013. We used a numerical model to calculate the operation of the solar cooling system, we also calculated the daily COP of the cooling device, which ranged from 0,72 to 0,74. In addition to calculation template in Excel, we have also prepared a set of questions for laboratory exercises within the subjects Laboratory for Sustainable Technologies in Buildings.

Keywords:solar cooling system, solar energy receivers, solar radiation, operational efficiency, numerical model

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