
Dvo-kovinska renijeva kataliza za dehidroksilacijo
ID Kokol, Nives (Author), ID Likozar, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Adipinska kislina je ena izmed ključnih sestavin, ki se v večini uporablja za proizvodnjo najlona. Trenutno jo še vedno v večini pridobivajo iz naftnih derivatov. Toda neobnovljivi viri se danes izkoriščajo v preveliki meri, zato je v zadnjih letih poudarek na raziskovanju procesa, ki bi zagotovil pridobivanje adipinske kisline iz biomase. In prav to je tema moje diplomske naloge. Obravnavala bom selektivno dehidrokislacijo z uporabo heterogenih katalizatorjev. Sicer je bilo narejeno že kar nekaj študij s homogenimi katalizatorji, vendar je te težko ločiti od reakcijske zmesi, zato je zelo željena heterogena kataliza, kjer končne komponente lahko ločimo, katalizator pa celo recikliramo in ponovno uporabimo. Kot katalizator sem uporabila renij na ogljiku, ki je ključen za proces dehidroksilacije. Re/C sem nato še kombinirala z ostalimi kovinskimi katalizatorji (Pt/C, Pd/C, Ni/C), ki so povzročili hidrogenacijo in tako usmerili reakcijo do estra adipinske kisline.

Keywords:adipinska kislina, heterogena kataliza, dehidroksilacija, renij
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139830 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:127874819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
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Title:Bimetallic Rhenium Catalysis for De-hydroxylation
Adipic acid is one of the key ingredients used in most nylon production. At present, it is still mostly extracted from petroleum products. However, non-renewable resources are nowadays over-exploited, and in recent years the focus has been on exploring a process that would ensure the extraction of adipic acid from biomass. This is the subject of my thesis. I will be looking at selective dehydroxydation using heterogeneous catalysts. Although there have been quite a few studies with homogeneous catalysts, they are difficult to separate from the reaction mixture, so heterogeneous catalysis is highly desirable, where the final components can be separated and the catalyst can even be recycled and reused. I used rhenium on carbon as the catalyst, which is essential for the dehydroxylation process. I then combined the Re/C with other metal catalysts (Pt/C, Pd/C, Ni/C) to induce hydrogenation and thus direct the reaction to the adipic acid ester.

Keywords:adipic acid, heterogeneous catalysis, dehydroxylation, rhenium

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