
Obravnava neželenih dogodkov s področja varnosti in zdravja pri delu v mednarodnem prehrambnemu podjetju
ID Kozlovič, Mara (Author), ID Huč, Sabina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vsak delavec ima pravico do dela in delovnega okolja, ki mu zagotavlja varnost in zdravje. Varno delo je v interesu delavca in pomeni obveznost za delodajalca. Posledice nezgod pri delu namreč pomenijo nepotrebno trpljenje za delavca, ki je bil žrtev, in za njegove svojce, bremenijo pa tudi delodajalca, zdravstveno zavarovalnico in včasih tudi pokojninsko blagajno. Varnost pri delu razumemo kot nujen pogoj, da se delavcu zagotovi delovne razmere, v katerih ni nevarnosti za nezgode. Delodajalec je za zagotavljanje zdravja in varnosti pri delu dolžan izvajati vsaj ukrepe, predpisane z zakonom. V diplomski nalogi bom predstavila področje zdravja in varstva pri delu z vidika obravnave neželenih dogodkov v tujelastniškem živilskem podjetju z več kot 600 zaposlenimi. Z vstopom v leto 2022 je omenjeno podjetje sprejelo standard za obravnavo in analizo neželenih dogodkov na področju varnosti in zdravja pri delu. V nalogi bom primerjala novo uveljavljeno prakso podjetja z zahtevami slovenske zakonodaje in podrobneje opisala standardizirane metode za analizo neželenih dogodkov s področja varstva pri delu. Uporabo novega standarda bom predstavila tudi na praktičnem primeru. Na podlagi preteklih podatkov bom primerjala število poškodb za enako časovno obdobje v preteklih letih in preverila, ali podrobnejša analiza pripomore k nižjemu številu poškodb oz. ali preprečuje ponavljanje enakih neželenih dogodkov.

Keywords:varnost in zdravje, nezgode pri delu, obravnava nezgod pri delu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139797 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:127216387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Adverse events investigation in an international food company
Every worker has the right to work and to have a safe and healthy work environment. Safe work is in the worker’s interest and represents an obligation to the employer. The consequences of an accident at work results in unnecessary suffering for the worker who was the victim and for his relatives, but they also burden the employer, the health insurance company, and sometimes even the pension fund. Safety at work can be understood as a necessary condition to provide working conditions without danger of accidents. To ensure health and safety at work the employer is obliged to implement at least the measures prescribed by the law. The objective of my dissertation is to present the field of health and safety at work in the terms of dealing with adverse events in a foreign-owned food company with more than 600 employees. At the beginning of 2022 company adopted a new standard for treatment and analysis of adverse events regarding safety and health at work. I intend to compare the newly established practice with the requirements of Slovenian legislation and highlight details of standardized methods required for the adverse events’ analysis. The application of the new standard will be presented with a practical example. Based on past data, the quantitative comparison will be made to find if a more detailed analysis contributes to reducing the number of adverse events and prevents the recurrence of the same adverse events.

Keywords:health and safety, work-related accident, analysis of work-related accidents

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