In production processes, we constantly strive to achieve quality and punctuality in product production and, with that, fulfilling customers’ wishes. However, troubles start appearing when we have no appropriate process monitoring system in older productions, and we have to face problems in the process, such as wear, breaking of the tool, drop in product quality, incorrect machine settings, and product irregularities.
This thesis aims to update an existing older eccentric press by introducing a modern monitoring system. In the first part, we evaluated the press and determined the principal process parameters and variability in quality assurance in the process of metal forming. Then we chose a monitoring system that follows and detects wanted parameters and installed the necessary components for the system to work onto the press. After a successful installation, we tested, monitored, and detected the faults in the process. In the results, we explained some of the successfully detected faults and described the gains in the process through the introduction of the system. Finally, the work is concluded with a discussion of obtained results.