
Pregled kozmetičnih izdelkov za žensko intimno nego na slovenskem trgu
ID Gorenjšček, Zala (Author), ID Gašperlin, Mirjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dandanes na slovenskem trgu zaradi vse večje ozaveščenosti žensk o pomembnosti pravilne higiene telesa in intimnih predelov narašča povpraševanje po kozmetičnih izdelkih za čiščenje in nego intimnih predelov. Ti so namenjeni lajšanju in odpravljanju najpogostejših težav intimnih predelov, s katerimi se srečuje ženska populacija. To so suhost in srbečica, neprijeten vonj, pekoč občutek ter vaginalna ali glivična vnetja. Kozmetični izdelki, namenjeni intimni higieni, morajo z izbiro ustrezne tehnološke oblike in sestavin spoštovati zapleteno anatomijo zunanjega spolovila in nožnice, kot tudi večjo občutljivost in prepustnost sluznice na tem predelu. V diplomski nalogi smo zbrali 50 kozmetičnih izdelkov za žensko intimno higieno, ki so na voljo v lekarnah, drogerijah in na njihovih spletnih straneh. Izbrane kozmetične izdelke smo razvrstili v tri skupine glede na njihov namen – na čistilne in negovalne kozmetične izdelke ter na medicinske pripomočke. Znotraj teh treh skupin smo nato posamezne izdelke analizirali še glede na tehnološko obliko ter kozmetično aktivne in pomožne sestavine. Po pregledu čistilnih kozmetičnih izdelkov za intimne predele smo prišli do zaključka, da je bila najpogosteje uporabljena tehnološka oblika tekoče milo. Po sestavi so se ti od ostalih čistilnih kozmetičnih izdelkov razlikovali po količini površinsko aktivnih snovi, vrednosti pH, količini pene itd. Od površinsko aktivnih snovi so prevladovale neionske (npr. PEG-7 gliceril kokoat, koko glukozid ...), in sicer zaradi svoje blagosti in nizkega potenciala za draženje kože. Najpogostejši tehnološki obliki za nego intimnih predelov sta bili hidrogel in hidrofilna krema, ki uporabnicam nudita takojšnjo navlažitev in osvežitev, brez mastnega občutka. Najpogosteje uporabljena skupina kozmetično aktivnih sestavin tako pri čistilnih kot negovalnih kozmetičnih izdelkih so bila vlažila, predvsem glicerol. Pogosta izbira je bila tudi mlečna kislina, saj zaradi svoje nizke vrednosti pH upošteva in vzdržuje naravno kislost nožnice. Velikokrat so se pojavili tudi rastlinski izvlečki, največkrat tisti z vlažilnim, protivnetnim in protimikrobnim delovanjem, npr. izvleček aloe vere. V tretjo skupino smo uvrstili izdelke, ki so prav tako namenjeni uporabi na intimnih predelih, vendar so zakonsko urejeni po drugi regulativi, to so medicinski pripomočki. Ugotovili smo, da so bili v večini namenjeni dopolnilnemu zdravljenju vaginalnih glivičnih ali bakterijskih okužb. Glavne razlike, ki ločujejo medicinske pripomočke od kozmetičnih izdelkov, so namen uporabe in navedbe na izdelkih, mesto nanosa ter regulativa, ki je za medicinske pripomočke v primerjavi s kozmetičnimi izdelki bolj stroga.

Keywords:ženska intimna higiena, kozmetični izdelki za čiščenje intimnih predelov, kozmetični izdelki za nego intimnih predelov, medicinski pripomočki za intimne predele
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139738 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Overview of cosmetic products for women's intimate care on the Slovenian market
Nowadays, due to the growing awareness of women about the importance of proper hygiene of the body and intimate areas, there is an increasing demand for cosmetic products for cleansing and nourishing the intimate areas on the Slovenian market. These are designed to alleviate and eliminate the most common problems of the intimate area faced by the female population - dryness and itching, unpleasant odour, burning sensation, and vaginal or fungal infections. Cosmetic products for intimate care must respect the complex anatomy of the external genitalia and vagina, as well as the higher sensitivity and permeability of the mucous membranes in this area, by selecting the appropriate technological formulation and ingredients. In this thesis, we have selected 50 cosmetic products for female intimate care that are available in pharmacies, drugstores and on their websites. The selected cosmetic products have been classified into 3 groups according to their purpose - cleansing and nourishing cosmetic products and medical devices. Within these 3 groups, the individual products were then analysed further in terms of their technological form as well as their cosmetic active and inactive ingredients. After reviewing the cleansing cosmetic products for the intimate area, we concluded that the most commonly used technological form was liquid soap. In terms of composition, these differed from other cleansing cosmetic products in terms of the amount of surfactants, pH value, amount of foam etc. Of the surfactants, non-ionic surfactants were the most predominant (e.g. PEG-7-glyceryl cocoate, coco-glucoside etc.) due to their mildness and low potential for skin irritation. The most common technological forms for intimate area care were hydrogels and hydrophilic creams, which offer immediate moisturisation and refreshment to the user, without a greasy feeling. The most commonly used group of cosmetically active ingredients in both cleansing and skincare cosmetic products were moisturisers, mainly glycerol. Lactic acid was also a common choice, as its low pH value respects and maintains the natural acidity of the vagina. Plant extracts were also frequently used, mostly those with moisturising, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, e.g. aloe vera extract. In group 3, we classified products that are also intended for use on intimate areas but are regulated under a different regulation, i.e. medical devices. We found that most of them were intended for the complementary treatment of vaginal fungal or bacterial infections. The main differences that distinguish medical devices from cosmetic products are the purpose of use and the claims made on the products, the place of application, and the regulation, which is stricter for medical devices compared to cosmetic products.

Keywords:female intimate hygiene, cosmetic products for cleansing intimate areas, cosmetic products for intimate area care, medical devices for intimate areas.

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