
Fenomen opere v povezavi z družbenim dogajanjem v 19. stoletju : zaključno delo
ID Eršeg, Domen (Author), ID Vidmar, Ičo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Opera je glasbeno-umetniški in družbeni fenomen, ki je skozi zgodovino skozi rituale in ceremonije legitimiral vse vrste moči in avtoritete države ali katere koli druge oblike politične formacije oziroma družbene organizacije. Skozi svojo zgodovino je bila priča vojnam, revolucijam, totalitarnim političnim režimom, globalnim družbenim spremembam in kljub temu kot glasbeno-umetniška forma (prežeta z družbeno-političnimi temami) preživela. Med francosko revolucijo konec 18. stoletja je bila opera videti kot mesto aristokratskih načel in vrednot, zato je bila reformirana, in sicer po podobi razvijajoče se države. Aristokratsko »avro bogastva« je po revoluciji obudila nova buržoazija cvetočega kapitalizma 19. stoletja, katere cilj je bil posnemati plemstvo, ne pa ga nadomestiti. Želela je ustvariti razkošen aristokratski svet, vendar z lastno (buržoazno) moralo in etiko, pri čemer je potekala nekakšna ponovna opredelitev opernega fenomena v povezavi z novim občinstvom srednjega razreda in z njim povezanim komercialnim svetom, hkrati pa elitistično redefiniranje opere kot umetniškega in kulturnega proizvoda za intelektualno uživanje »kulturnih« urbanih elit. Opera oziroma operna hiša je obenem postala družbeno orodje v rokah meščanov, ki so z njeno pomočjo utrdili svoje mesto na družbeni lestvici, tako da so med opernimi predstavami spletli nova poznanstva, z oblačilno kulturo in gestami razkazovali svoj družbeni status in razpravljali o aktualnih družbeno-političnih temah ter dogodkih. V povezavi s tem je operna hiša 19. stoletja, ko so se po vsej evropski celini pojavile težnje po nacionalnih identitetah, postala tudi arena za legitimacijo nacionalnih in emancipatornih političnih sporočil. Po vsej Evropi je postala simbol naroda, ponekod pa celo sinonim za narod. Operni svet (in akterji znotraj njega) je bil postavljen v položaj potrjevanja politične realnosti, družbenih sporočil in ideoloških misij teh »novo prebujenih« narodov, etničnih manjšin in vzpenjajočih se družbenih razredov.

Keywords:opera, zgodovina opere, družbeno-politično dogajanje, 19. stoletje
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Eršeg]
Number of pages:45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139543 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:123091459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The phenomenon of opera in relation to social events in the 19th century
Opera is a musical, artistic and social phenomenon that has throughout history (through rituals and ceremonies) legitimized all kinds of power and authority of the state or any other form of political formation or. social organizations. Opera has witnessed wars, revolutions, totalitarian political regimes, global social changes and yet as a musical-artistic form (imbued with socio-political subjects) it has survived and (yet, imbued with socio-political subjects, it has survived as a musical form). During the French Revolution of 1789, the opera house was seen as a place with aristocratic principles and values. Therefore it was reformed in the image of a developing democratic state. Nonetheless the aristocratic "aura of wealth" was revived after the revolution by the new and flourishing bourgeoisie of the 19th-century, whose goal was to imitate the nobility (but not to replace it). The members of this newly established social class wanted to create a lavish aristocratic world, but with their own (bourgeois) moral principles and rules. The world of opera was being redefined in relation to the new middle-class audience and the commercial world that it was associated with. But on the other hand it was also seen as an artistic and cultural product for the intellectual pleasure of “cultural” urban elites. At the same time, the opera/the opera house became a social tool of the middle classes who used it to consolidate their place in society, by making new acquaintances during opera performances, showing their social status through their appearance and gestures, discussing current socio-political topics and events. In relation to the latter, as tendencies for national identities emerged across the European continent, the 19th-century opera house also became an arena for the legitimation of national and emancipatory political messages. Throughout Europe, it has become a symbol of the nation, and in some states even synonymous with the nation itself. The opera world had a role of affirmating the political reality, social messages and ideological missions of these “newly awakened” nations, ethnic minorities and emerging social classes.

Keywords:opera, the history of opera, social-political events, 19th century

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