
Proučevanje izbranih kozmetičnih izdelkov za moške
ID Brčan, Maruša (Author), ID Gosenca Matjaž, Mirjam (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Koža moških in žensk se razlikuje v številnih morfoloških in fizioloških lastnostih, ki se nanašajo na njeno debelino, poraščenost in kisel hidro-lipofilni plašč na površini kože. Zaradi omenjenih lastnosti je potrebno kožo moških negovati, zaščititi in čistiti s kozmetičnimi izdelki, zasnovanimi posebej za moške. V osnovi moški uporabljajo širok spekter kozmetičnih izdelkov, in sicer izdelke za britje, osebno higieno in nego kože, za nego las ter parfume. V prvem delu diplomske naloge smo proučevali kozmetične izdelke za moške in izvedli primerjavo s kozmetičnimi izdelki za ženske. Najprej smo se osredotočili na kozmetične izdelke za britje, namreč britje velja za moško vsakodnevno rutino, in sicer smo analizirali sestavo krem in pen za britje ter vodic po britju. Zanimale so nas sestavine, ki se najpogosteje pojavljajo v izdelku in njihova vloga. Prav tako smo podrobneje proučili vlogo in delovanje tistih sestavin, ki se nahajajo v vsaj dveh pregledanih izdelkih. Rezultati kažejo, da imajo kreme in pene za britje podobno sestavo, namreč oba tipa izdelkov vsebujeta podobne osnovne sestavine, največja razlika med proučevanima tipoma izdelkov je uporaba potisnih plinov v penah za britje. Vodice po britju vsebujejo večji del vodne faze, konzervansov in dišav, kot že omenjena tipa izdelkov za britje. V nadaljevanju smo proučili razlike in podobnosti v formulaciji med izbranimi izdelki, ki jih uporabljajo tako moški kot ženske. V nabor proučevanih izdelkov smo vključili vlažilne kreme, gele za prhanje in antiperspirante za moške ter odgovarjajoče število vlažilnih krem, gelov za prhanje in antiperspiranov za ženske istega proizvajalca. Ugotovili smo, da se izdelki za moške in ženske razlikujejo v ceni, številu sestavin in v posameznih uporabljenih pomožnih sestavinah in kozmetično aktivnih sestavinah. V drugem sklopu naloge smo z anketnim raziskovanjem med prostovoljci moškega spola proučevali njihove navade in preference pri nakupu in uporabi kozmetičnih izdelkov. Anketo je popolno izpolnilo 40 anketirancev, rezultati pa so pokazali, da jih četrtina neredno uporablja kozmetične izdelke. Večina odšteje do 15 € mesečno za nakup kozmetike in uporablja od tri do pet izdelkov v svoji dnevni rutini, najpomembnejši dejavnik pri nakupu kozmetike je razmerje med ceno in kakovostjo in v večini so anketiranci zadovoljni s ponudbo kozmetike za moške. Vpogled v njihove potrošniške navade pa smo dobili v sklopu anketiranja zaposlenih v treh enotah Javnega zavoda Lekarne Ljubljana z vprašalnikom odprtega tipa. Ugotovili smo, da moški redko obiščejo lekarno z namenom nakupa kozmetike, najpogosteje kupijo en izdelek za katerega odštejejo med 15 in 25 €, najpomembnejši dejavnik pri nakupu pa predstavlja svetovanje zaposlenih. Na osnovi ugotovitev, pridobljenih v okviru diplomske naloge, lahko zaključimo, da so kozmetični izdelki za moške v večini ustrezno formulirani in prilagojeni specifičnim morfološkim in fiziološkim lastnostim moške kože ter da se odnos moških do kozmetike pospešeno razvija.

Keywords:Struktura moške/ženske kože, kozmetični izdelki za moške, kozmetični izdelki za britje, lastnosti formulacij, anketno raziskovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139509 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:A study of selected cosmetic products for men
The skin of men and women differs in many morphological and physiological characteristics related to its thickness, facial and body hair and protective hydrolipid acid film on the skin surface. Therefore it is necessary to use cosmetic products designed specifically for men for care, protection and cleansing of men's skin. Men use a wide range of cosmetic products, namely shaving products, hair care products, personal hygiene, skin care products, and perfumes. In the first part of the thesis, we studied cosmetic products for men and performed a comparison study to cosmetic products for women. Firstly, we focused on cosmetic products for shaving, as shaving is considered a man's daily routine, therefore we analyzed the composition of shaving creams, shaving foams and aftershave waters. We were interested in the ingredients that appear most often in the product and their role. We also studied in more detail the role and function of those ingredients that are found in at least two of the studied products. Our results show that shaving creams and shaving foams are similar in composition, namely both types of products contain similar basic ingredients, the biggest difference between the studied types of products is the use of propellant gases in shaving foams. Aftershaves contain more water phase, preservatives and fragrances than the aforementioned types of shaving products. In the following, we examined the differences and similarities in the formulation between selected products used by both men and women. In the set of studied products, we included moisturizing creams, shower gels and antiperspirants for men and the corresponding number of moisturizing creams, shower gels and antiperspirants for women from the same manufacturer. We found that the products for men and women differ in price, number of ingredients and in the individual excipents and cosmetically active ingredients used. In the second part of the task, we studied the habits and preferences of male volunteers for purchase and usage of cosmetic products through survey research. The survey was fully completed by 40 respondents, and the results showed that a quarter of them use cosmetic products irregularly, most of them spend up to 15 € a month to buy cosmetics and use three to five products in their daily routine, the most important factor for purchase being the price to quality ratio, and most of the respondents are satisfied with cosmetics for men on the market. We gained an insight into their consumer habits as part of a survey of employees in three units of the Public Institute of the Ljubljana Pharmacy with an open-ended questionnaire. We found that men rarely visit a pharmacy with the intention of buying cosmetics, in most cases they buy one product for which they deduct between 15 and 25 €, and the most important factor in the purchase is the advice by the employees. Based on the findings obtained in our thesis, we can conclude that cosmetic products for men are in most cases properly formulated and adapted to the specific morphological and physiological characteristics of male skin, and that men's attitude towards cosmetics is developing rapidly.

Keywords:Men's/women's skin structure, men's cosmetics, shaving cosmetics, formulation features, survey research.

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