
3D interier in interaktivnost
ID Hudobivnik, Anja (Author), ID Iskra, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za cilj svoje diplomske naloge smo si zadali narediti interaktiven 3D interier našega bodočega stanovanja. Namen je bil, da nadgradimo svoje znanje, saj nam bo tako lažje opremiti stanovanje (barvna usklajenost, materiali, velikost, itd). V teoretičnem delu diplomsko delo zajema opis prvin in posameznih korakov, ki jih zajema teorija 3D modeliranja ter celoten postopek od začetka do konca izdelave produkta v programu. Opisane so možnosti postopkov, modeliranja, materialov, luči, kamer, upodobitev, itd. Pri modeliranju prostora je bila uporabljena programska oprema Blender, ki je v teoretičnem delu na kratko opisana. V drugem delu smo se najprej lotili ogleda stanovanja, izmere prostorov, skic, načrtov vseh možnih postavitev (glede na elektriko, vodo). Z opisom in slikovnim gradivom je prikazan postopek modeliranja posameznih prostorov in objektov. Po končanem modeliranju smo pričeli z dodajanjem materialov in tekstur. V raznih trgovinah smo našli predmete, ki so nam bili všeč in bi jih potencialno imeli v stanovanju. Te predmete smo na podlagi slik narisali v programu. Za teksturo smo uporabili blago, les, steklo, marmor, kovino, plastiko, itd. Nanos teksture smo podrobno opisali. Primarna osvetlitev je sonce, saj daje mehko svetlobo, in nekaj dodatnih luči, ki so tudi kasneje opisane. Nato je sledila upodobitev, kjer smo opisali nastavitve posameznih parametrov upodabljanja. Diplomsko delo smo zaključili s slikami in videom prostora ter z dodano interaktivnostjo, kjer se lahko premikamo po prostoru in kliknemo na nekatere predmete. Pri tem se nam odpre povezava do spletnega mesta, kjer smo ta predmet kupili.

Keywords:3D, Blender, interaktivnost, interier, stanovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139436 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:3D interior and interactivity
The aim of the thesis was the interactive 3D interior of my future apartment. The purpose was to upgrade my knowledge and to make it easier for me to equip the apartment with colors, materials, sizes, etc. In the theoretical part the diploma thesis includes a description of the first and individual steps, which includes the theory of 3D modeling and the entire process from the beginning to the end of the production of products in the program. The possibilities of procedures, modeling, materials, lights, cameras, renders are described, etc.The software used in space modeling was Blender, which is briefly described in the theoretical part. In the second part, we first went on a tour of the apartment, measurements of rooms, sketches, plans of all possible layouts (with regard to electricity, water). The process of modeling individual rooms and objects is shown with a description and pictorial material. After finishing the modeling, we started adding materials and textures. In some stores i found items that I like and maybe able to have in the apartment. I used those pictures of possible objects to draw them in the program. For material we used fabric, wood, glass, marble, metal, plastic, etc. We applied the texture in detail. The primary illumination is sun, as it gives soft light and some additional lights, which are also described later. This was followed by rendering, where we wrote the settings of individual rendering parameters. We finished our degree with pictures and video of the appartment and with added interactivity, where we can move around the space and click on some objects and a link opens from where we bought this object.

Keywords:3D, Blender, interactivity, interior, appartment

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