
Umetna inteligenca in razlaga pravnih aktov
ID Galič, Kaja (Author), ID Cerar, Miroslav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava predstavitev pojma umetne inteligence, njeno vedno pogostejšo uporabo na najrazličnejših področjih, med drugim tudi na področju prava, natančneje pri razlagi pravnih aktov. V navezavi z navedenim so opisana teoretična izhodišča razlage pravnih aktov, in sicer s poudarkom na vrstah in metodah razlage. Nadalje so navedeni in opisani sistemi umetne inteligence, ki se danes že uporabljajo kot pomožno orodje pri razlagi pravnih aktov, kot sta algoritmski sistem in strojno učenje, pri čemer so predstavljeni tudi razlogi in pomisleki, zakaj umetna inteligenca sama (vsaj zaenkrat) še ne more biti uporabljena kot samostojen subjekt razlage, na osnovi česar bi lahko generirala samostojno sprejeto pravno zavezujočo odločitev. V zadnjem delu je obravnavana uporaba umetne inteligence pri razlagi pravnih aktov skozi prizmo etičnih načel in človekovih pravic, prav tako tudi vprašanje zadostitve potrebe po zagotavljanju ustrezno podane obrazložitve sprejetih odločitev. Ker so osnova za delovanje sistemov umetne inteligence najrazličnejše in obsežne baze podatkov, je izpostavljena tudi potreba po ustrezni obdelavi in hrambi osebnih podatkov, ki jih njeni sistemi uporabljajo, pri čemer je opravljena analiza ustreznih pravnih aktov, ki slednje urejajo na nacionalni in mednarodni ravni. Na osnovi v celoti pojasnjenega so v zaključku podane sklepne ugotovitve o pomenu ustrezno izluščene razlage pravnih aktov, dejanski uporabnosti umetne inteligence na področju razlage pravnih aktov, kot tudi na širšem področju prava v praksi in vpliva, ki ga bo umetna inteligenca imela na pravniške poklice v prihodnosti.

Keywords:umetna inteligenca, razlaga pravnih aktov, avtomatizirano odločanje, strojno učenje, algoritem, etika, varstvo osebnih podatkov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139419 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122541827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2022
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Title:Artificial intelligence and the explanation of legal acts
This thesis presents the concept of artificial intelligence, its increasingly frequent use in a wide variety of fields, including in the field of law and in the interpretation of legal acts. In connection with the above, the theoretical starting points of the interpretation of legal acts are described, namely with an emphasis on the types and methods of interpretation. Furthermore, artificial intelligence systems are listed and described, which are already used today as an auxiliary tool in the interpretation of legal acts, such as algorithmic systems and machine learning, while also presenting the reasons and concerns why artificial intelligence alone (at least for the time being) cannot yet be used as an independent subject of interpretation which could generate an independently adopted legally binding decision. The last part deals with the use of artificial intelligence in the interpretation of legal acts through the prism of ethical principles and human rights, as well as the issue of meeting the need to provide an adequately explained rationale for the decisions made. Since the basis for the operation of artificial intelligence systems are the most diverse and extensive databases, the need for appropriate processing and storage of personal data used by its systems is also highlighted, with an analysis of the relevant legal acts that regulate the latter, both nationally and international level. The conclusion is about the importance of an adequately extracted interpretation of legal acts, the actual usefulness of artificial intelligence in the field of interpretation of legal acts, as well as in the wider field of law in practice and the impact that artificial intelligence will have on the legal professions in the future.

Keywords:Artificial intelligence, explanation of the legal acts, automatic decision-making, machine learning, algorithm, ethics, personal data protection

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