
Vpliv kombinirane dihalno-mišične tehnike sproščanja na spremenljivost frekvence srčnega utripa pri pacientih po akutnem miokardnem infarktu : magistrsko delo
ID Mlakar, Nataša (Author), ID Kacin, Alan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Enova, Dušan (Comentor), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Tako dihanje kot aktivacija skeletnih mišic vplivata na vegetativni živčni sistem in na frekvenco srčnega utripa. V zadnjem obdobju se uveljavlja tehnika sproščanja telesa, pri kateri združimo resonančno dihanje in izometrično mišično kontrakcijo, ki se odraža v povečani spremenljivosti frekvence srčnega utripa (SFSU). Proučevanje učinkovitosti tehnik za povečanje SFSU pri pacientih po akutnem miokardnem infarktu (AMI) je klinično pomembno, saj je višja SFSU povezana z večjo stopnjo preživetja pri pacientih po AMI. Namen: Proučiti, ali velikost aktivne mišične mase med izvajanjem kombinirane dihalno-mišične tehnike sproščanja pomembno vpliva na SFSU pri ljudeh po AMI. Metode dela: Vključenih je bilo 20 pacientov po AMI, ki so obiskovali program kardiološke rehabilitacije. Pacienti so izvajali triminutno kombinirano dihalno-mišično tehniko sproščanja telesa sede. Izvajali so resonančno dihanje s frekvenco 0,1 Hz. V fazi vdiha so pri ~80° fleksije kolena izometrično napeli ekstenzorje kolena, v fazi izdiha pa so mišice sprostili. Vsak pacient je izvedel tehniko tako z enonožnim kot z dvonožnim napenjanjem mišic, čemur je sledila izvedba Stroopovega testa. Srčno frekvenco smo merili z merilnikom EKG. Izračunali smo povprečja frekvenčnih vrednosti SFSU (nizkofrekvenčno (LF) in visokofrekvenčno (HF) komponento spektra moči ter razmerje med njima (LF/HF)) v opazovanih časovnih intervalih. Razlike v povprečjih smo testirali z 2 × 3 faktorsko ANOVA in Tukeyevim HSD post hoc testom. Rezultati: Med izvajanjem tako enonožne kot dvonožne dihalno-mišične tehnike je prišlo do statistično pomembnih sprememb v SFSU (p < 0,05), in sicer do povečanja vrednosti LF in LF/HF ter zmanjšanja vrednosti HF. Med enonožno in dvonožno tehniko sproščanja nismo zaznali pomembnih razlik (p > 0,05) za katero koli od vrednostih SFSU. Prav tako nismo zaznali pomembnih razlik (p > 0,05) za nobeno od frekvenčnih vrednosti SFSU med izvedbo Stroopovega testa po izvedbi enonožne in dvonožne tehnike sproščanja. Razprava in zaključek: Kombinirana dihalno-mišična tehnika sproščanja z izometrično mišično kontrakcijo povzroči akutno povečevanje SFSU pri pacientih po AMI, zato ima potencial za klinično rabo. Z našo raziskavo nismo zaznali pomembnega učinka velikosti aktivne mišične mase med izvajanjem tehnike na spremembo SFSU. Zaradi majhnosti in raznolikosti vzorca je bila moč statističnih analiz majhna, zato so potrebne dodatne raziskave na večjem številu pacientov.

Keywords:magistrska dela, fizioterapija, akutni miokardni infarkt, izometrična mišična kontrakcija, dihanje, spremenljivost frekvence srčnega utripa
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Mlakar]
Number of pages:38 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139396 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120514563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of combined paced breathing and dynamic muscle contraction on heart rate variability among patients after acute myocardial infarction : master thesis
Introduction: Both breathing and skeletal muscle activation affect the autonomic nervous system and heart rate. Recently, the body relaxation technique has been introduced, in which we combine resonant breathing and isometric muscle contraction, which is reflected in increased heart rate variability (HRV). Studying the efficacy of techniques to increase HRV in individuals after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is clinically important, as higher HRV is associated with a higher survival rate in individuals after AMI. Purpose: To investigate whether the size of active muscle mass during the implementation of the combined paced breathing and dynamic muscle contraction technique significantly affects HRV among patients after AMI. Methods: 20 patients after AMI were included, who attended the outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program at the Ljublana University Medical Center. Patients performed a three-minute combined paced breathing and dynamic muscle contraction. Resonant breathing of 0.1 Hz was performed. In the inhalation phase, the knee extensors were isometrically tensioned at ~ 80 ° flexion, and the muscles were relaxed in the exhalation phase. Each patient performed the technique with both one-legged and two-legged muscle contraction, followed by performing the Stroop test. Heart rate was measured with an ECG. We calculated the averages of the frequency values of HRV (low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) component of the power spectrum and the ratio between them (LF / HF)) in the observed time intervals. Differences in averages were tested with 2 × 3 factor ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD post hoc test. Results: During the implementation of both one-legged and two-legged combined paced breathing and dynamic muscle contraction technique, there were statistically significant changes in HRV (p < 0.05), namely an increase in LF and LF/HF values and a decrease in HF values. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were detected between the one-legged and two-legged combined paced breathing and dynamic muscle contraction technique for any of the HRV frequency values. We also did not detect significant differences (p > 0.05) for any of the HRV frequency values during the Stroop test after the one-legged and two-legged combined paced breathing and dynamic muscle contraction technique. Discussion and Conclusion: The combined paced breathing and dynamic muscle contraction causes an acute increase in HRV in individuals after AMI and therefore has potential for clinical use. In our study, we did not detect a significant effect of active muscle mass size during the implementation of the technique on HRV change. Due to the small size and variability of the sample, the power of statistical analyzes was small, so additional research is needed on a larger number of patients.

Keywords:master's theses, physiotherapy, acute myocardial infarction, isometric muscle contraction, breathing, heart rate variability

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