
Klinična uporaba magnetno resonančnega tomografa z gostoto magnetnega polja 7 Tesla pri slikanju možganov : diplomsko delo
ID Pavčič, Veronika (Author), ID Pravst, Patricia (Author), ID Podobnik, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Robida, Tina (Comentor), ID Starc, Tina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Klinična uporaba magnetno resonančnih (MR) tomografov gostote magnetnega polja 7 Tesla (T) prinaša tako prednosti, kot so boljše razmerje signal-šum (RSŠ), boljša prostorska in kontrastna ločljivost ter krajši čas meritve, kot tudi slabosti, na primer nehomogenosti, povezane z zunanjim magnetnim poljem (B0), nehomogenosti, povezane z dodanimi radiofrekvenčnimi pulzi (B1) ter večjo specifično absorpcijsko stopnjo (SAR). Prednosti, povezane s 7 T MR tomografom po svetu izkoriščajo za diagnostiko različnih možganskih obolenj, kot so multipla skleroza (MS) (odkrivanje kortikalnih lezij), možgansko-žilne bolezni (vizualizacija majhnih intrakranialnih žil in submilimetrskih okluzivnih lezij), možganski tumorji (natančnejše načrtovanje zdravljenja in odkrivanje možganskih krvavitev) in nevrodegenerativne bolezni (odkrivanje sprememb v črni snovi in prepoznavanje amiloidnih plakov). Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti ključne prednosti in slabosti ter oceniti pomen implementacije MR tomografa gostote magnetnega polja 7 T na področje diagnosticiranja pogostih možganskih patologij. Metode dela: Uporabili sva deskriptivno metodo dela s sistematičnim pregledom literature. Članke sva iskali v različnih podatkovnih bazah in v pregled literature vključili le tiste, ki so v celoti ustrezali vnaprej zastavljenim vključitvenim faktorjem. Rezultati: Našli sva 15 ustreznih člankov na temo klinične uporabe MR tomografa z gostoto magnetnega polja 7 T, ki sva jih predstavili v dveh tabelah. V prvi tabeli so predstavljeni avtorji člankov in leto izdaje, število udeležencev in naloga le-teh v raziskavi ter predmet opazovanja, medtem ko druga tabela navaja glavne ugotovitve člankov, predstavljenih v prvi tabeli. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili sva, da uporaba MR tomografov z ultra visoko gostoto magnetnih polj pripomore k bolj natančnemu diagnosticiranju možganskih patologij. Pri MS gre za natančnejše razlikovanje med belo in sivo možganovino ter lezijami, ki so vidne na SWI (magnetno dovzetno poudarjeno slikanje), FLAIR (pulzno zaporedje z zasičenjem signala iz tekočine) ali T2 (transverzalna relaksacija) poudarjenih slikah. Za prikaz možganskega žilja je ključna Time-of-Flight (TOF) tehnika. Pri ultra visokih gostotah magnetnih polj je T1 (longitudinalna relaksacija) relaksacijski čas daljši (boljše razmerje kontrast-šum) in posledično je mogoče oceniti zelo majhne intrakranialne žile (npr. lentikulostriatne arterije). Pri diagnosticiranju možganskih tumorjev si pomagamo z MR spektroskopijo. Ta nam pri gostoti magnetnega polja 7 T omogoča tudi merjenje metabolitov nizkih koncentracij (npr. 23Na). Boljše RSŠ in večji učinek magnetne dovzetnosti pri ultra visoki gostoti magnetnega polja vplivata na natančen prikaz prekrvavljenosti tumorjev na slikah, ki jih pridobimo s pomočjo SWI pulznega zaporedja. Pri diagnosticiranju nevrodegenerativnih bolezni se pri Alzheimerjevi bolezni (AB) osredotočamo na oceno hipokampusa, kjer je za natančno oceno ključni kontrast med sivo in belo možganovino, prikaz le-tega pa je pri gostoti magnetnega polja 7 T izboljšan. Pri Parkinsonovi bolezni (PB) pa pri ultra visoki gostoti magnetnega polja dosežemo boljšo kontrastno in prostorsko ločljivost in z uporabo T2* sekvenc odkrijemo prisotnost amiloidnih plakov.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, magnetna resonanca, magnetno resonančni tomograf gostote magnetnega polja 7 T, multipla skleroza, možgansko-žilne bolezni, možganski tumorji, nevrodegenerativne bolezni
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Pavčič ; P. Pravst]
Number of pages:51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139391 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120482051 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The clinical use of magnetic resonance imaging tomograph with magnetic field strength of 7 Tesla in brain imaging : diploma work
Introduction: The clinical use of magnetic resonance imaging tomographs with the magnetic field strength of 7 Tesla (T) has both advantages, such as a higher signal-to-noise ratio, increased spatial and contrast resolution and shorter acquisition times, and disadvantages, for instance: inhomogeneities of the main magnetic field (B0), inhomogeneities of the applied radiofrequency field (B1) and a higher specific absorption rate. The benefits related to 7 T magnetic resonance imaging tomographs are used worldwide to diagnose the various brain pathologies, such as multiple sclerosis (detection of cortical lesions), cerebrovascular diseases (visualisation of small intracranial vessels and submilimeter oclusive lesions), brain tumors (a more careful planning of a medical treatment and detecting brain haemorrhages) and neurodegenerative disorders (detecting changes in black substance and identifying amyloid plaques). Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to examine the key advantages and disadvantages of the 7 T magnetic resonance imaging scanner and further more to evaluate its importance in establishing a diagnosis of the most common brain pathologies. Methods: A descriptive method together with a systematic literature review has been used. We searched for articles in different data bases and finally included only those that fully suited the pre-set inclusion factors. Results: We found 15 appropriate articles, related to the topic of the clinical use of magnetic resonance imaging tomographs with the magnetic field strength of 7 T, which are presented in two charts. The first one lists the authors' names and the year of publication, the number of participants and the task of the research and the subject of observation, while the second one reveals the main research findings of the articles presented in the first chart. Discussion and conclusion: We figured out that the use of magnetic resonance imaging tomographs with ultra high magnetic field strengths helps to confirm a more accurate diagnosis of brain pathologies. Diagnosing the multiple sclerosis, there is a more accurate distinction between grey and white matter and lesions that are visible on SWI, FLAIR or T2-weighted images, using 7 T magnetic resonance imaging scanner. The Time-of-Flight (TOF) is an important imaging technique to visualise intracranial vessels. TOF imaging benefits from longer T1 relaxation times at ultra high fields (better contrast-to-noise ratio) and consequently, tiny intracranial vessels can be visualised (for example: lenticulostriate arteries). Magnetic resonance spectroscopy plays an important role in diagnosing brain tumors. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy at ultra high fields allowes the assesment of low concentration metabolites, such as 23Na. A higher signal-to-noise ratio and a stronger susceptibility contrast at ultra high fields enables the visualisation of tumor microvascularity on SWI images. In diagnosing neurodegenerative disorders, in Alzheimer's disease, we focus on the evaluation of the hippocampus. Using the 7 T magnetic resonance imaging scanner, there is a better contrast between grey and white matter. In Parkinson's disease, at ultra high fields, there is an increased contrast and spatial resolution, and consequently, amyloid plaques can be detected using T2* sequences.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance tomograph with magnetic field strength of 7 T, multiple sclerosis, cerebrovascular diseases, brain tumors, neurodegenerative disorders

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