
Sistem samovladne identitete s tehnologijo Ethereum
ID MARUŠIČ, RIHARD (Author), ID Pustišek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V digitalnem svetu poznamo mnogo različnih načinov in pristopov do upravljanja z identiteto. Diplomska naloga se osredotoča še na dokaj nov koncept upravljanja z identiteto, imenovan samovladna identiteta. Trenutni uveljavljeni sistemi upravljanja z identiteto, ki so povečini centralizirani ali delegirani, niso prenosljivi in interoperabilni, nadzor nad podatki pa je v rokah ponudnikov storitev in identitete. Sistemi samovladne identitete pa stremijo k temu, da bi uporabniku dali čim več nadzora nad lastnimi podatki ter komu, kako in kdaj jih bo predstavljal. Ponujali bi več zasebnosti in varnejše hranjenje identitete. Stremijo tudi k zmanjšanju odvisnosti od centraliziranih entitet s pomočjo decentralizacije. Diplomska naloga zajema teoretični del, v katerem je samovladna identiteta podrobneje predstavljena z opisi osnovnih gradnikov in funkcionalnosti. Vsebuje tudi korake poteka v osnovnih primerih uporabe take identitete ter opis trenutnih razmer na tem področju. V drugem delu je predstavljena izdelava preproste prototipne implementacije samovladne identitete, katere namen je nekoliko podrobneje predstaviti tehnološko ozadje primera takega sistema. Prototipna implementacija je v obliki spletne aplikacije, deluje pa s pomočjo tehnologije Ethereum. Kljub temu, da implementacija ni namenjena produkcijski uporabi, vsebuje vse jedrne sestavne dele in omogoča vse osnovne funkcionalnosti, ki so potrebni za pomembne korake interakcije med entitetami, ki sodelujejo v procesu dokazovanja nečesa s samovladno identiteto.

Keywords:digitalna identiteta, samovladna identiteta, decentraliziran identifikator, DID dokument, potrdilo
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139382 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120172291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2022
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Title:Self-sovereign identity system using Ethereum technology
In the digital world, there are many different ways and approaches to identity management. This thesis focuses on a relatively new concept of identity management called self-sovereign identity. Current established identity management systems, which are mostly centralised or delegated, are not portable and interoperable, and the control of the data is in the hands of the service and identity providers. On the other hand, the aim of self-sovereign identity systems is to give the user as much control as possible over their own data and over to whom, how and when they present it. These systems offer more privacy and more secure identity storage. They also aim to reduce dependency on centralised entities through decentralisation. The thesis contains a theoretical part in which the self-sovereign identity is presented in more detail, describing the basic building blocks and functionalities. It also contains the steps involved in the basic use cases of such identity and a description of the current state in this field. The second part presents the creation of a simple prototype implementation of self-sovereign identity, which aims to provide a more detailed presentation of the technological background of an example of such system. The prototype implementation takes the form of web application and works using Ethereum technology. Although the implementation is not intended for production use, it contains all the key components and provides all the basic functionalities necessary for the important steps of interaction between the entities involved in the process of proving something with self-sovereign identity.

Keywords:digital identity, self-sovereign identity, decentralised identifier, DID document, verifiable credential

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