
Prilagajanje naravoslovnih učbenikov za učence s specifičnimi učnimi težavami in učence z intelektualnimi primanjkljaji s pomočjo obogatene resničnosti
ID Senegačnik Jakovac, Katarina (Author), ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Torkar, Gregor (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7313/ This link opens in a new window

V zadnjih letih se je v vzgoji in izobraževanju povečalo zanimanje za raziskave o kakovosti slovenskih učbenikov, saj v Sloveniji učbeniki spadajo v eno izmed manj raziskanih področij šolskega polja. Prav tako je s tehnološkim napredkom svojo pot v šolsko polje našla tudi tehnologija, ki nas danes praktično spremlja na vsakem koraku. Njena uporaba pušča pozitivne učinke tako na znanju, motivaciji, kot tudi vključenosti učencev v sam učni proces. Primer združitve tehnologije in učbenika je učbenik, nadgrajen z obogateno resničnostjo, katerega rezultat je lahko bolj poglobljeno znanje učencev, nadgradnja ustaljenega načina poučevanja ter obogatitvene vsebine, zapisane v učbenikih. Osrednji cilj magistrskega dela je bil na praktičnem primeru prikazati, kako lahko učitelji sami nadgradijo naravoslovni učbenik s pomočjo obogatene resničnosti ter ga prilagodijo za učence s specifičnimi učnimi težavami in učence z lažjimi intelektualnimi primanjkljaji. Z raziskavo smo želeli preučiti uporabnost obogatene resničnosti pri optimizaciji učnih gradiv za učence s specifičnimi učnimi težavami in lažjimi intelektualnimi primanjkljaji, evalvirati uporabnost izdelanih učnih gradiv ter preveriti stališča učiteljev ter specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov do uporabe obogatene resničnosti pri pouku z omenjenima skupinama učencev. V raziskavi smo uporabili deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo. V raziskovalni pristop smo vključili tako kvantitativno kot kvalitativno raziskovanje. Podatke smo pridobili s tehniko anketiranja. Način vzorčenja je bil neslučajnosti in namenski. Vzorec vključuje 56 učiteljev biologije in/ali naravoslovja, 43 izvajalcev dodatne strokovne pomoči (specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov), 17 specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov, ki poučujejo v prilagojenem programu z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom in tri izvajalce dodatne strokovne pomoči (učitelji biologije ali/in naravoslovja) iz vse Slovenije. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da večina anketiranih meni, da je obogatena resničnosti pri poučevanju otrok s specifičnimi učnimi težavami in lažjimi intelektualnimi primanjkljaji uporabna, saj olajša prilagajanje učnih vsebin in posledično delo s temi učenci. Rezultati so tudi pokazali, da učitelji ter specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi še niso čisto odločeni glede uporabljanja obogatene resničnost pri svojem poučevanju v prihodnosti. Ugotovitve ob tem nakazujejo, da na pripravljenost do uporabe te tehnologije vpliva le število let delovne dobe in ne izobraževalni program, v katerem anketiranci poučujejo, oz. delovno mesto, na katerem so zaposleni. Spodbudno je, da so anketiranci našteli več prednosti kot pomanjkljivosti pri uporabi obogatene resničnosti za namene prilagajanja naravoslovnih učbenikov.

Keywords:specifične učne težave
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139212 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:118369795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Adapting science textbooks for students with specific learning difficulties and intellectual disabilities through augmented reality
Recently, there has been an increased interest in researching Slovenian textbooks in the field of education. There are still many unexplored subject areas, as not much research has been done in this field in Slovenia. With the modern technological achievements, technology has also entered the schools. The use of technology in the learning process leaves positive and lasting traces in terms of students' knowledge, motivation and cooperation. Technology and textbooks can be connected, for example, a textbook can be updated with augmented reality, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject, enrichment of the content taught in textbooks, and an upgrade of our usual teaching methods. The main focus of my reaserch was to show, through a practical example, how teachers can update a science textbook with augmented reality to adapt it for students with specific learning difficulties and students with mild intellectual difficulties. With this research, we aimed to investigate the usefulness of augmented reality in optimizing textbooks for students with specific learning difficulties and mild intellectual difficulties, to evaluate the usefulness of the created teaching materials, and also to obtain the opinion of teachers, special and rehabilitation educators, about adding augmented reality in the classroom with the above group of students. The research included both descriptive and casual non-experimental methods. We conducted both qualitative and quantitative research. In addition, the information was collected using a survey and the samples were non-random and purposive. The sample includes 56 biology or science teachers, 43 special and rehabilitation educators who provided additional professional help, 17 special and rehabilitation educators teaching in adapted programs with lower educational standards, and 3 school proffesionals who provided additional professional help (biology and science teachers) from across Slovenia. The results show that most of the respondents consider the use of augmented reality in the education of children with specific learning difficulties and mild intellectual difficulties useful, as it makes it easier for teachers to adapt the teaching content and consequently work with these students. The results also show that teachers and special and rehabilitation educators are not entirely sure about using augmented reality in their classrooms in the future. The results show that the willingness to use this technology in their work depends mainly on their years in the profession and less on the educational program in which they work. Encouragingly, respondents were more positive than negative about using augmented reality to adapt science textbooks.

Keywords:specific learning difficulty

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