
Priprava telovadnice v funkciji kakovostne izvedbe ur športa
ID Glavič, Lara (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7305/ This link opens in a new window

Ena od težav, s katero se soočajo učitelji razrednega pouka pri poučevanju predmeta šport v prvem triletju, je ustrezno organizacijsko načrtovanje ur športa na način, da bi pri uri uporabili veliko število športnih pripomočkov in hkrati za njihovo pripravo in pospravljanje porabili kar najmanj časa. Ta problem je še posebej izrazit pri učnih oblikah poligon, štafetne igre in vadba po postajah, ki so v prvem triletju zelo priljubljene in pogosto uporabljene, hkrati pa zahtevajo več časa za pripravo in pospravljanje telovadnice. Od učiteljev ta segment učne ure zahteva nekaj premišljenih organizacijskih prijemov, da z učenci telovadnico pripravijo hitro in varno. Pogosto se namreč zgodi, da so učenci prav pri omenjenih učnih oblikah na račun slabe organiziranosti učiteljev najbolj prikrajšani za čas, ki bi bil lahko namenjen vadbi. Namen našega magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako razredni učitelji v prvem triletju pri učnih oblikah poligon, štafetne igre in vadba po postajah najpogosteje organizirajo potek priprave in pospravljanja telovadnice ter na kaj so pri tem najbolj pozorni. Spletni anketni vprašalnik je izpolnilo 94 razrednih učiteljev s celotne Slovenije, ki so v šolskem letu 2019/20 poučevali predmet šport v prvem triletju. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da učitelji v organizacijsko pripravo najpogosteje zapišejo način menjave skupin in skicirajo postavitev pripomočkov in orodij. Učitelji učencem tako za pripravo kot za pospravljanje telovadnice najpogosteje podajo ustna navodila in tudi sami aktivno sodelujejo pri prenašanju pripomočkov. Največ razrednih učiteljev ocenjuje, da proces priprave in pospravljanja v povprečju traja 6–10 % deleža časa celotne učne ure. V pripravo in pospravljanje učitelji v povprečju vključijo 80 % učencev, prisotnih pri uri športa. Večina učiteljev v ta proces vključi tudi opravičene učence, ki nimajo zdravstvenih zadržkov. Ostali učenci v tem času najpogosteje neorganizirano čakajo, da sošolci opravijo dano nalogo. Ugotovili smo, da so učitelji pri podajanju navodil za pripravo in pospravljanje pripomočkov zelo pogosto ali pogosto povedo, kaj je potrebno pripraviti/pospraviti, kdo mora to narediti in kaj morajo učenci storiti, ko izpolnijo dano nalogo. Največ učencev ima za potrebe priprave in pospravljanja telovadnice zelo pogosto ali pogosto dostop do skladišča s športnimi pripomočki, učenci pa po oceni učiteljev tudi zelo dobro ali dobro poznajo skladiščni red pripomočkov.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139204 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:117984771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Preparation of the gym as a high-quality sports training facility
One of the problems faced by primary school teachers in teaching the subject of physical education (hereafter PE) in the first educational cycle is the proper organizational planning of PE lessons in such a way as to use a large number of sports equipment and at the same time spend as little time for preparations and tidying. This problem is especially pronounced in polygons, relay games and training at stations, which are very popular and often used in the first educational cycle, but also require more time to prepare and tidy up the gym. This segment of the lesson requires some thoughtful organizational steps from teachers to prepare the gym with students quickly and safely. It often happens that due to the teachers’ poor organization students are most deprived of the time that could be devoted to practice in the above-mentioned activities. The purpose of this master's thesis was to identify how class teachers in the first educational cycle most often organize the preparation and tidying up of the gym and to what they pay the most attention. The online questionnaire was completed by 94 class teachers from all over Slovenia who taught PE in the first educational cycle in the school year 2019/20. The results of the research showed that teachers most often write down the way of changing groups in organizational preparation and sketch the layout of props and equipment. Teachers most often give oral instructions to students for preparing and tidying the gym, and they also actively participate in carrying the props. Most class teachers estimate that the process of preparation and cleaning takes on average 6–10 % of the total lesson time. On average, teachers involve 80 % of the students present in the PE lesson. Most teachers also include excused students who do not have health restrictions in this process. During this time, other students are most often waiting unorganized for their classmates to complete a given task. We have found that when giving instructions for preparing and storing props, teachers very often or often say what needs to be prepared/tidied up, who needs to do it, and what students need to do when they complete a given task. Most students have very often or often access to the sports equipment storage room for the purpose of preparing and tidying up the gym, and according to the teachers, the students also know the storage order of equipment very well or well.

Keywords:physical education

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