In my dissertation we explored the visible traces of dance, which can be shown through the
technique of light drawing. We reviewed the theoretical basis for the creation of authorial
works, reference works; we also present the technique in which I created.
The essence of the research is the connection between artistic creation, music and dance. We
were interested in how dance and music are reflected through the technique of light drawing,
whether it is possible to deduce from it that it is a dance. In addition, we were interested in how
different genres of music and dance differ in light drawing. We followed my observations in
the creation and presented them.
We analysed the final works and found that the information of the dance is not evident from
the light drawings, even though dance is the basis for the creation of light drawings. Music can
be the background, but it can also be a motif for creating (the use is interesting in both ways).
Different genres of music allow different artistic experience, as they differ in how much
freedom is allowed in a particular genre.