
Družinski procesi v enostarševskih in dvostarševskih družinah : diplomsko delo
ID Balarin, Nia (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rape Žiberna, Tamara (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu pišem o družinskih procesih znotraj enostarševskih in dvostarševskih družin ter raziskujem, kakšne razlike se pojavljajo v dojemanju družinskih procesov v eni in drugi obliki družine. V uvodu na kratko opišem temo družine in starševstva in v tem delu pišem o pluralizaciji družinskih potekov, pojavu novega očetovstva ter izkušnjah življenja v reorganiziranih družinah. V diplomskem delu boste lahko našli tudi znanje s področja komunikacije, vlog, reševanja konfliktov, postavljanja pravil, odločanja in seveda tudi socialnodelovna znanja. Na podlagi vodila za intervju sem pogovor izvedla z devetimi sogovorniki, ki so mi dali dragocen vpogled v njihovo družinsko življenje. V empiričnem delu sem spraševala tudi o pogledu sogovornikov na družbeno opredeljene spolne vloge in kako so te, po njihovem mnenju, povezane z družinskimi procesi. Kvalitativna raziskava na neslučajnostnem, priložnostnem vzorcu prikazuje izkušnje življenja v enostarševskih in dvostarševskih družinah, opredelitve družinskih procesov v teh oblikah družin ter povezavo družinskih procesov z družbeno opredeljenimi spolnimi vlogami. S pomočjo svoje raziskave ugotavljam, da so družinski procesi v vsaki družini edinstveni in niso povezani z obliko družine, v kateri človek odrašča. Kljub temu se je izkazalo, da sogovorniki iz dvostarševskih družin pripisujejo obliki družine večji pomen pri oblikovanju družinskih procesov kot sogovorniki iz enostarševskih družin. Pokazalo se je, da so skrbstveno delo in gospodinjska opravila še vedno najpogosteje vloga mater, očetje pa so odgovorni za fizična dela in gospodinjska opravila. Razvidno je, da vloge v družinah sogovornikov niso izrazito tradicionalne, saj tudi moški opravljajo gospodinjska opravila, prav tako pa tudi ženske opravljajo fizična dela. Morda tudi zaradi take delitve del pri sogovornikih prevladuje mnenje, da tradicionalne spolne vloge niso več aktualne, obenem pa bi družinske procese v svoji družini želeli razvijati neodvisno od spola. S pomočjo svoje raziskave in poglobljenih zgodb sogovornikov lahko zaključim, da na oblikovanje družinskih procesov vpliva veliko več kot oblika družine, recimo vzgoja staršev, okoliščine odraščanja, znanje, ki narekuje, kaj je za otroka dobro in spodbudno okolje ipd.

Keywords:družina, družinski procesi, enostarševske družine, dvostarševske družine, družbeno opredeljene spolne vloge
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Balarin]
Number of pages:106 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139135 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:139865603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Family Processes in Single-Parent and Two-Parent Families
In my bachelor’s thesis I write about family processes within single-parent and two-parent families and explore the differences in the perception of family processes in both family forms. In the introduction, I touch on the theme of family and parenthood, and I write about the pluralization of family dynamics, the emergence of new fatherhood and the experience of living in reorganized families. In the thesis you will also find knowledge on communication, roles, conflict resolution, setting rules, decision-making and, of course, social work knowledge. Based on the set of questions for the interview, I interviewed nine interviewees who gave me valuable insights into their family life. In the empirical part, I also asked about the interviewees' views on traditional gender roles and how they think these are related to family processes. This qualitative study uses a non-randomized, casual sample to illustrate the experience of living in single-parent and two-parent families, the definitions of family processes in these types of families, and the relationship of family processes to traditional gender roles. Through my research, I have found that family processes are unique in each family and are not related to the form of family in which a person grows up. However, it has been shown that interviewees from two-parent families attach more importance to family structure in shaping family processes than interviewees from single-parent families. It has been shown that care work and housework are still most often the role of mothers, while fathers are responsible for physical work and housework. The roles in the families of the interviewees are not distinctly traditional, as men also do household chores and women also do manual work. Perhaps because of this division of labor, the interviewees are of the opinion that traditional gender roles are no longer relevant, while at the same time they would like to develop family processes in their families independently of gender. Through my research and the in-depth stories of my interviewees, I can conclude that family processes are influenced by much more than the form of the family, e. g. the upbringing of the parents, the circumstances of growing up, the knowledge that dictates what is a good and supportive environment for the child, etc.

Keywords:family, family processes, single-parent families, two-parent families, traditional gender roles

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