
Primerjava uporabe vljudnostnih nivojev hasipsioche in haeyoche na primeru učbenikov Seoul National University
ID Lukman, Klaudija (Author), ID Ryu, Hyeonsook (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Novak-Lukanovič, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vljudnost predstavnikom določene skupine omogoča, da se izognejo konfliktom in ohranjajo kakovostne stike med seboj. Jezikovna vljudnost se izraža na različne načine. Eden izmed jezikov, ki vljudnost z jezikom izraža še posebej sistematično, je korejščina. Korejski vljudnostni sistem tako sestavljajo posebne spoštljive oblike glagolov, členkov in samostalnikov, del sistema pa so tudi vljudnostni nivoji, ki se izražajo z različnimi stavčnimi končnicami in priponami (t.i. nekončnimi končnicami). Vljudnost je tesno povezana s kulturo in družbo, zato je zelo odvisna od družbenega dogajanja v določeni skupini. Povezava je vidna tudi na primeru korejskega jezika. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na vidne spremembe vljudnega govora v treh učbenikih za korejščino kot tuji jezik, ki so bili izdani med letoma 2000 in 2019. Analizirane učbenike je izdala korejska univerza Seoul National University. Iz analize je razvidno, da se učbeniki postopoma oddaljujejo od bolj formalnega nivoja hasipsio-che k neformalnemu haeyo-che. To je v pričakovanju s splošnimi trendi korejskega jezika, kjer je haeyo-che v vsakdanjem jeziku že postala prevladujoča in se lahko, v nasprotju s tradicionalnim pojmovanjem vljudnostnih nivojev, uporablja tudi v formalnih okoliščinah. Haeyo-che je postala v korejskem jeziku pomembna predvsem po koncu stroge hierarhalne delitve in sprejemanju Zahodnih demokratičnih vrednot. V nasprotju s preteklostjo, ko je bila striktna delitev ljudi nujno izražena tudi jezikovno, se danes temu govorci izogibajo. Kljub temu ostaja vljudnost do sogovorcev zelo pomembna, kar je razvidno iz dejstva, da govorci še vedno zelo pogosto uporabljajo haeyo-che, ki je neformalni vljudni nivo, in je ni nadomestila oblika hae-che, ki je neformalna in “nevljudna” oblika. V učbenikih poleg sprememb v vljudnostnih nivojih opazimo tudi spremembe v splošnemu nivoju formalnosti.

Keywords:korejski jezik, jezikovna vljudnost, sociolingvistika, korejska družba, učbeniki za tuji jezik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Lukman]
Number of pages:49 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139110 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122911491 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of the use of politeness levels of hasipsioche and haeyoche in the case of Seoul National University textbooks
Politeness allows the members of a certain group to avoid conflicts and maintain quality interactions. Linguistically, politeness is expressed in different ways. One of the languages that expresses linguistic politeness particularly systematically is Korean. The Korean politeness system consists of special honorific forms of verbs, particles, and nouns. Furthermore, politeness levels expressed by different sentence endings and pre-final endings added to adjectives and verbs are also part of the system. Politeness is closely related to culture and society, so it is highly dependent on social events in a particular language group. The connection is also noticeable in the case of Korean language. The thesis focuses on the visible changes of politensss in three textbooks for teaching Korean as a foreign language, published between 2000 and 2019. The analyzed textbooks were published by the Korean university Seoul National University. The analysis shows that textbooks are gradually moving away from the more formal polite hasipsio-che towards informal polite haeyo-che. This is predictable regarding general trends of Korean language, where haeyo-che has already become predominant in everyday language and can, contrary to the traditional notion of politeness levels, also be used in formal situations. Haeyo-che became important in the Korean language especially after the end of the strict hierarchical division based on Confucianism and the acceptance of Western democratic values. Contrary to the past, when the rigid social system pressured speakers to use even the strictest honorifics, linguistic politeness in today’s society is far more flexible. Nevertheless, politeness to interlocutors remains very important, as evidenced by the fact that speakers still often use the informal polite level haeyo-che and not exclusively the informal plain hae-che. In textbooks, in addition to changes in courtesy levels, we also notice changes the general level of formalities.

Keywords:Korean language, linguistic politeness, sociolinguistics, Korean society, foreign language textbooks

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