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Doživljanje epidemije covida-19 s perspektive starih ljudi v skupnosti : magistrsko delo
Kosar, Nina
Dragoš, Srečo
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V magistrski nalogi sem raziskovala doživljanje epidemije covida-19 s perspektive starih ljudi v skupnosti. Želela sem ugotoviti, kako stari ljudje, ki živijo v skupnosti, doživljajo epidemijo in njene ukrepe, kako je v času epidemije potekalo druženje, ohranjanje stikov in ali je prišlo do sprememb v odnosih z družino, s prijatelji, sosedi in z znanci. Prav tako me je zanimalo, kakšen vpliv je imela epidemija covida-19 na duševno zdravje starih ljudi, kako je posegla v njihovo finančno stanje in kakšne spremembe so občutili pri opravljanju vsakdanjih opravkov in obveznosti. Želela sem izvedeti, kako se je starim ljudem v času epidemije spremenil prosti čas. Poleg tega pa me je zanimalo, kakšno pomoč so prejemali v času epidemije in kako jim je pomagala neformalna in formalna mreža pomoči, kakšen je bil dostop do pomoči v primeru, da so jo potrebovali ter kakšne pomoči si želijo. Kot zadnje me je zanimalo, kakšne strategije pomagajo starim ljudem pri prestajanju kriznih razmer oz. kaj jim daje v teh časih upanje. V prvem delu magistrske naloge predstavim teoretični uvod, ki vsebuje poglavja o staranju in starosti, potrebah in položaju starih ljudi v času epidemije covida-19 ter o vlogi formalne in neformalne mreže pomoči starim ljudem. Teoretični uvod zaključujem s poglavjem o socialnem delu s starimi ljudmi in socialnem delu s starimi ljudmi v času epidemije covida-19. V drugem delu magistrske naloge predstavim rezultate kvalitativne in empirične raziskave, v katero sem vključila deset starih ljudi, ki živijo v skupnosti, torej v domačem okolju in so stari 65 let ali več. S pomočjo vprašalnika sem intervjuvala sogovornike, ki so bili pripravljeni sodelovati v raziskavi. Po opravljenih intervjujih sem dobljene podatke tudi kvalitativno obdelala in analizirala. Ugotovila sem, da so stari ljudje v času epidemije čutili negativna čustva, kot so zaskrbljenost, stres in negotovost. Negativna čustva so čutili tudi ob spremljanju medijev. Nekateri so ostali optimistični. Največji vpliv na življenje starih ljudi je imel ukrep socialne izolacije oz. karantene in s tem odsotnost druženja. V času epidemije je prišlo do zmanjšanih osebnih stikov, odsotnosti druženj in obiskov, kar so zelo pogrešali. V primeru druženja so bili previdni in se, z zaščitno masko in razdaljo, zaščitili pred možnim prenosom okužbe. Stike so najpogosteje ohranjali na daljavo, preko telefona. Prav tako je v tem obdobju prišlo do sprememb v odnosih, saj so stari ljudje poročali o pogostejših konfliktih z bližnjimi. Za nekatere pa se odnos z bližnjimi ni spremenil. Epidemija covida-19 je imela negativen vpliv na duševno zdravje starih ljudi, medtem ko na fizično zdravje ni imela posebnega vpliva. Epidemija je imela tudi finančne posledice, saj so nekateri stari ljudje pripovedovali o večji skromnosti pri porabi denarja, po drugi strani pa so se razveselili solidarnostnega dodatka in turističnih bonov, spet drugi pa so izrazili kritiko do tovrstnih dodatkov. Vsakodnevni opravki in obveznosti, kot so nakupovanje, urejanje zadev na upravni enoti in banki, so potekali brez težav. Prosti čas v času epidemije je bil bolj vezan na dom z okolico, izpadla so tudi organizirana druženja, ki so jih pogrešali. Pomemben vir pomoči starim ljudem je storitev pomoči na domu, ki bi se po mnenju starih ljudi morala razvijati in biti časovno ter cenovno dostopnejša; tako bi si jo lahko privoščili v večjem obsegu. Tudi družina je bila v času epidemije pripravljena pomagati, neformalni oskrbovalci so pomembni tudi z vidika družabništva. Stari ljudje so poročali predvsem o prejeti zdravstveni pomoči in zaskrbljenosti o kakovosti ter pripravljenosti le-te v času epidemije, saj so nekateri imeli težave z dostopom do tovrstne pomoči. Pomoči socialnega dela niso omenjali. Med glavne želje po pomoči sodi želja po družabništvu. Starim ljudem daje v času epidemije covida-19 upanje, pozitivno razmišljanje in misel na čas, ki zajema več druženj in splošne svobode.
stari ljudje
epidemija covid-19
oskrba v skupnosti
socialno delo s starimi ljudmi
Work type:
Master's thesis/paper
2.09 - Master's Thesis
FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:
[N. Kosar]
Number of pages:
143 str.
Publication date in RUL:
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Experiencing the Covid-19 Epidemic from the Perspective of Elderly in the Community
In my master’s thesis I researched the experiences during Covid-19 from the perspective of elderly in the community. I researched how the elderly living in the community experience epidemic and the safety measures, how they maintained socializing activities and if there were any changes in the relationships with their family, friends, neighbours and acquaintances. I also researched the effect of Covid-19 on mental health of elderly, impact on financials and how their everyday chores changed. I wanted to gain an understanding about the changes of everyday activities of elderly, due to Covid-19. I also analysed which support they received during Covid-19, how did informal and formal network help them, how was the access to support if they needed and what support they want. As last I also wanted to understand what strategies help elderly during crisis and what gives them hope in such situations. The first part of the master’s thesis is the theoretical introduction, which consists of chapters about aging, needs and status of elderly during Covid-19 and about the role of formal and informal support network of elderly. Theoretical introduction is concluded with chapter about social work with elderly and social work with elderly during Covid-19. In the second part of the master´s thesis I present the results of qualitative and empirical analysis, in which I included ten elderlies living in home environment that are 65 years old or older. Using the questionnaire, I interviewed elderly people that wanted to be a part of the research. After interviews I analysed collected data. I found out, that elderly experienced negative emotions, such as concern, stress and uncertainty. They experienced negative emotions while watching the news. Some of them remained optimistic. Largest impact of Covid-19 on the everyday of elderly had the safety measure of social isolation or quarantine and with that the absence of social gatherings. There was a decrease in social activities during Covid-19 which affected elderly. When there were social gatherings they implemented safety measures, such as safety masks and distancing to prevent potential infection. Most of communication was long distance on the phone. During the period there were also changes in relationships, due to conflicts with closed ones. For some there were no changes in relationships with the family. The effect of Covid-19 on mental health of elderly was negative. There were no bigger effects on physical health of elderly. There were also financial consequences due to Covid-19. Some had to become more modest. Elderly were mostly happy with the solidarity allowance and tourist vouchers, but some weren´t happy with those allowances. There were no important changes for everyday activities, such as shopping, administrative obligations. Free time during Covid-19 was more concentrated in the home environment. Social gatherings were cancelled and were missed by elderly. Important source of support is help at home services, which according to elderly should develop and become more available. Elderly received help from their family during Covid-19. Informal caregivers are important for socializing. Elderly were worried about the availability and quality of medical services during Covid-19. There was no mention of help from social work services. Main wishes for support of the elderly are connected to socializing. Because of positive thinking and thinking about time with more social events and freedom, elderly feel hopeful for the future.
covid-19 epidemic
community care
social work with older people
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