
Pravna ureditev zdravstvenega varstva študentov : diplomsko delo
ID Pavlović, Dijana (Author), ID Franca, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sklopu zdravstvenega varstva imajo ljudje v skladu z ustrezno pravno podlago pravico do zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Z urejenim zdravstvenim zavarovanjem tako pridobijo tudi pravice, ki so jim na podlagi le-tega dodeljene. V Republiki Sloveniji je zdravstveno zavarovanje obvezno in prostovoljno. Obvezno je za vse osebe, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje, ki so predpisane z zakonom. Tudi študentje so del zdravstvenega varstva in morajo zato imeti urejeno zdravstveno zavarovanje. V središču diplomske naloge je zdravstveno varstvo in s tem zdravstveno zavarovanje, ki se nanaša na več skupin študentov, ki imajo zdravstveno zavarovanje urejeno na podlagi vrste študenta. V Sloveniji imamo tako slovenske in tuje študente. Glede na vrsto jih ločimo na t.i. >>pavzerje<<, tiste, ki so dopolnili 26. let, oziroma so zaključili šolanje, in tiste, ki niso zavarovani kot družinski člani. V diplomskem delu so bile na podlagi analize pravnih predpisov, ki urejajo zdravstveno varstvo študentov in izbrane strokovne literature, ugotovljene pravice, ki so študentom zagotovljene na podlagi zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Z analiziranjem odločbe centra za socialno delo, ki je primer iz prakse, se je ugotovilo, kako se je odločalo o pravici do plačila prispevka za obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje v primeru študentke. Z metodo sinteze so bile oblikovane ugotovitve za analizirano odločbo, ki se nanašajo na vključitev študentke v obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje, in oblikovana priporočila za samo ureditev zdravstvenega varstva za študente, ki ne izpolnjujejo zakonskih pogojev za vključitev v zdravstveno zavarovanje.

Keywords:študent, zdravstveno varstvo, zdravstveno zavarovanje, obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje, zavarovanec
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Pavlović]
Number of pages:VIII, 41 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138918 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:119342595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Legal regulation of student healthcare
As part of health care, people have the right to health insurance in accordance with the appropriate legal basis. On the basis of it, together with regulated health insurance, they are also granted certain rights. In the Republic of Slovenia, health insurance is compulsory and voluntary. It is mandatory for all residents who meet the conditions prescribed by law. Students are also part of health care and therefore must have health insurance. The focus of the thesis is health care and thus health insurance, which refers to several groups of students who have health insurance arranged based on the type of student. In Slovenia, we have both Slovenian and foreign students. Depending on the type, they are divided into additional subgroups: the so-called >>pavzerje<<, those who have reached the age of 26 or have completed schooling and those who are not insured as family members. In the thesis, based on the analysis of the legal regulations governing the health care of students and selected professional literature, the rights that are guaranteed to students on the basis of health insurance were determined. By analyzing the decision of the Center for Social Work, which is an example from practice, it was determined how the right to pay a contribution for compulsory health insurance was decided in the case of a female student. Using the method of synthesis, findings were formulated for the analyzed decision, which refer to the inclusion of female students in compulsory health insurance and recommendations were formulated for the regulation of health care for students who do not meet the legal conditions for inclusion in health insurance.

Keywords:student, health care, health insurance, compulsory health insurance, health obligatory insurance, insured person

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