
Termično utrujanje CGHSS litine za valje za delo v vročem : diplomsko delo
ID Zupančič, Benjamin (Author), ID Terčelj, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru diplomske naloge smo na termo-mehanskem simulatorju Gleeble 1500D izvajali laboratorijske preizkuse termičnega utrujanja, pri čemer smo uporabljali vzorce iz CG HSS litine, ki se uporablja za izdelavo valjev za vroče valjanje. Mikrostrukturo vzorcev smo okarakterizirali s pomočjo elektronskih mikroskopov JEOL JSM 6500F in ThermoFisher Scientific Vacuum Quattro S. Ta je sestavljena iz matrice, evtektičnih karbidov (na osnovi Fe (ca 68 mas. %)), karbidov na osnovi najvišje vrednosti za Nb (pribl. 64 - 68 mas. %) ter V in Mo, karbidov na osnovi najvišje vrednosti za V (pribl. 31 ? 32 mas. %) ter Nb in Mo ter grafitov. Preizkuse smo izvajali pri maksimalnih testnih temperaturah 500 °C ter 650 °C, pri čemer smo testiranje ustavljali pri 250, 750, 2500 in 6000 ciklih. Dolžine razpok na preizkušancih, nastalih kot posledica generiranega temperaturnega gradienta med ohlajanjem z vodo, smo izmerili s pomočjo optičnega mikroskopa. Kvantificirali smo obstojnost proti termičnemu utrujanju CG HSS litine, t.j. z izračunom srednje dolžine vseh razpok, srednje dolžine sedmih najdaljših razpok, najdaljše razpoke, gostoto razpok ter površino pod zaključenimi razpokami. Oksidacija evtektikov, grafitnih področij ter ostalih karbidov je bistveno bolj poudarjena pri višji temperaturi, t.j. pri 650 °C, kot pri nižji temperaturi testiranja, t.j. pri 500 °C. Karbidi na osnovi najvišje vrednosti za Nb kot tudi najvišje vrednosti za V izkazujejo večjo krhkost ter večjo nagnjenost k oksidaciji. Iniciacija razpok najpogosteje nastane na mestih debelejših karbidov na površini, kjer je bilo opaziti njihovo izrazito pokanje. Rast razpok pa je pretežno povezana tako s karbidno kot tudi z grafitno potjo.

Keywords:termično utrujanje, CG HSS litina, karbidi, grafiti, rast razpok, oksidacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Zupančič]
Number of pages:XIII, 40 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138909 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:129239555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Thermal fatique of cast iron CGHSS for hot working rolls : diploma work
For the present work, the thermal fatigue resistance of CG HSS cast iron samples, typically used in the production of hot working rollers, was tested in the laboratory on the Gleeble 1500D thermo-mechanical simulator. The microstructure of the samples was characterized using JEOL JSM 6500F and ThermoFisher Scientific Vacuum Quattro S electron microscopes. The microstructure consisted of matrix, eutectic carbides (based on Fe (ca 68 wt. %)), carbides based on the highest value for Nb (ca 64 - 68 wt. %), V and Mo, carbides based on the highest value for V (ca 31 - 32 wt. %), Nb, Mo and graphites. The tests were performed at maximum test temperatures of 500 °C and 650 °C, respectively, and interrupted at 250, 750, 2500 and 6000 cycles. The length of cracks on samples created by cooling water temperature gradient was measured with an optical microscope. The resistance to thermal fatigue of CG HSS cast iron was quntified by calculating the mean length of all cracks, the mean length of the seven longest cracks, the longest crack, the crack density, and the area under linked cracks. Oxidation of eutectics, graphite areas, and other carbides was much more pronounced at higher test temperatures, i. e., 650 °C, than at a lower test temperature, i. e., 500 °C. The carbides based on the highest Nb value, as well as the highest V values, demonstrated greater brittleness and a greater tendency to oxidation. Cracks were predominantly initiated on areas with thicker carbides where pronounced cracking was observed, while crack growth was primarily associated with the carbide and graphite pathways.

Keywords:thermal fatigue, CG HSS cast iron, carbides, graphites, cracks, oxidation

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