
Primerjalna analiza materialov za cestne talne označbe : diplomska naloga št.: 216/OG-MK
ID Stojanović, Aleksander (Author), ID Rijavec, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cestne talne označbe so ključne za varnost na cestišču. Njihova učinkovitost in kvaliteta je močno odvisna od materiala, ki ga izberemo. V tej primerjalni analizi so te materiali primerjani in predstavljeni. Materialov je veliko, vendar so razdeljeni v štiri glavne skupine: barve za cestne talne označbe, vroča plastika, hladna plastika in trakovi za cestne talne označbe. Kakovost in učinkovitost materiala sta odvisni od številnih lastnosti. Tiste, ki zagotavljajo varnost cestišča so zakonsko predpisane in se med materiali ne razlikujejo bistveno. To so vidnost označb pri različnih pogojih, barva oznake in odpornost proti zdrsu. Obstajajo pa tudi lastnosti, ki za samo varnost cestišča niso nujne, vendar je njihova analiza pomembna za doseganje večje učinkovitosti cestnih talnih označb. Te lastnosti so: trajnost, pogoji za izvedbo, cena materiala in specifične in druge lastnosti. V diplomskem delu je tudi bolj jasno definiran pomen teh lastnosti in dejavniki, ki na njih vplivajo. Predstavljene so tudi njihove omejitve skladno s Pravilnikom o prometni signalizaciji in prometni opremi na cestah in standardom SIST EN 1436:2018. Nato so lastnosti še dejansko primerjane. Ugotovljeno je, da je v večini primerov najboljša hladna plastika, vendar obstajajo situacije, kjer se bolje izkažejo ostali materiali. Na koncu je prikazano kako in kdaj se uporabljajo materiali na državnih cestah v Sloveniji. Na avtocestah in hitrih cestah se praviloma uporabljajo debeloslojni materiali, na ostalih cestah pa je to odvisno od želj naročnika.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, VSŠ, GR, GR-OG, primerjalna analiza, material, cestne talne označbe, barve za cestne talne označbe, hladna plastika, vroča plastika, trakovi, SIST EN 1436
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Stojanović]
Number of pages:IX, 37 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138865-00065b5e-b4d7-80c2-c844-2e597a57ea2c This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122650627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of materials for road markings : graduation thesis no.: 216/OG-MK
Pavement markings are crucial for road safety. Their efficiency and quality strongly depends on the material we choose. In this comparative analysis, these materials are compared and presented. There are many materials, but they are divided into four main groups: paints for road floor markings, thermoplastics, cold plastics and strips for pavement markings. The quality and efficiency of the material depends on many characteristics. Those that ensure the safety of the road are legally prescribed and do not differ significantly between materials. These are light reflectance under various conditions, color of the markings and skid resistance. However, there are also characteristics that are not necessary for the safety of the road, but their analysis is important for achieving greater effectiveness of pavement markings. These characteristics are: durability, instalment conditions, material price and specific and other properties. The senior thesis also more clearly defines the meaning of these characteristics and the factors that influence them. Their restrictions in accordance with the rules on traffic signals and traffic equipment on roads in Slovenia and the standard SIST EN 1436:2018. Next, the properties are actually compared and presented. Cold plastic has been found to be the best in most cases, but there are situations where other materials perform better. At the end, it is shown how and when the material is used on state roads in Slovenia. On motorways and expressways, thick-layer materials are generally used, while on other roads this depends on the client's wishes.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, comparative analysis, material, road markings, paint for road markings, thermoplastic, cold plastic, tapes for road markings, SIST EN 1436

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