
Spiritualna in feministična praksa ženskih krogov v slovenskem kontekstu : diplomsko delo
ID Arzenšek, Tesa (Author), ID Pužar, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se ukvarja s kulturnim fenomenom ženskih krogov znotraj slovenskega konteksta, ki se nanaša na žensko skupnost, ter védenje in rituale, ki so družbeno spolno zaznamovani. Osredotoča se na razumevanje prakse ženskih krogov skozi ideje novodobniških duhovnih gibanj ter duhovnega feminizma in tako skozi koncept post-sekularnega raziskuje globlje povezave med sodobno duhovnostjo in feminizmom, pa tudi sekularno kulturo subjektivnega dobrega znotraj same prakse. Ženski krogi skozi unikatno atmosfero varnosti in zaupanja, neformalnim, ne-institucionaliziranim, ne-hierarhičnim načinom organizacije, ter pogosto tabuiziranimi tematikami ženskega védenja, ki jih naslavljajo in osrediščajo znotraj prakse, izzivajo tradicionalne patriarhalne norme in udeležene posameznice spodbujajo k opolnomočenju in emancipaciji na individualnem in kolektivnem nivoju. Prek študije primera, na podlagi analize sekundarne literature in kvalitativne empirične raziskave, ki temelji na etnografski in avtoetnografski metodi, diplomsko delo prakso ženskih krogov prikazuje kot večplasten fenomen, ki zadeva mnoga aktualna družbena vprašanja npr. vprašanje spola, emancipacije žensk ipd. Diplomsko delo delno potrjuje glavno hipotezo o emancipatornem vplivu prakse ženskih krogov na posameznice, ki se jih udeležujejo, in priča o dvigu kolektivne ženske zavesti, ki nakazuje na potencialne širše družbene spremembe.

Keywords:ženski krogi, ženskost, novodobniška duhovnost, feminizem, opolnomočenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Arzenšek]
Number of pages:54 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138755 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:119973379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Spiritual and feminist practice of women's circles in Slovenian context
The thesis deals with the cultural phenomenon of women's circles within the Slovenian context, which refers to the women's community, as well as knowledge and rituals that are socially gendered. It focuses on understanding the practice of women's circles through the ideas of new-age spiritual movements and spiritual feminism, and thus through the concept of post-secular explores deeper connections between contemporary spirituality and feminism, as well as the secular culture of subjective wellbeing, within the practice itself. Women's circles, through a unique atmosphere of security and trust, an informal, non-institutionalized, non-hierarchical way of organization and often taboo topics of women's knowledge, which are addressed and centered within the practice, challenge traditional patriarchal norms and encourage the participating individuals to empower and emancipate on an individual and collective level. Through a case study, based on the analysis of secondary literature and qualitative empirical research, which is based on ethnographic and autoethnographic methods, the thesis shows the practice of women's circles as a multifaceted phenomenon that concerns many current social issues, e.g. the issue of gender, women's emancipation etc. The thesis partially confirms the main hypothesis about the emancipatory influence of the practice of women's circles on the individuals who participate in them and points to the rise of collective female consciousness, which indicates potential wider social changes.

Keywords:women's circles, femininity, new age spirituality, feminism, empowerment

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