
Analiza kršitev v izbranih upravnih postopkih v praksi Varuha človekovih pravic 2018-2020 : diplomsko delo
ID Artič, Nika (Author), ID Kovač, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine so mednarodno dogovorjene vrednote in norme, ki jih pridobi vsak posameznik že z rojstvom. Določene pravice posameznik uveljavlja v upravnih postopkih v razmerju do oblasti oziroma javne uprave. Merila in okvir odločanja v upravnem postopku določajo človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine ter temeljna načela in druge določbe Zakona o splošnem upravnem postopku (ZUP) in področnih zakonov. Kljub temu da je Republika Slovenija pravna, socialna in demokratična država, v praksi javne uprave prihaja do kršitev človekovih pravic v upravnih postopkih. Pri reševanju le-teh imajo posamezniki pravico do uporabe pravnih sredstev, med njimi tudi pravico vložiti pobudo Varuhu človekovih pravic RS. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na človekove pravice in njihove kršitve v upravnih postopkih na področjih sociale, področju okolja in prostora in upravnem področju po letnih poročilih Varuha človekovih pravic RS v obdobju 2018–2020. Delo predstavlja najprej razvoj varstva človekovih pravic in varuha človekovih pravic v mednarodnem in slovenskem prostoru ter nadaljuje z opisom upravnega postopka in analizo kršitev človekovih pravic v upravnih postopkih. Cilj diplomskega dela je analizirati posamezne kršitve človekovih pravic na izbranih področjih in znotraj njih pripraviti primerjavo izboljšanja in uspešnosti upoštevanja priporočil varuha med posameznimi leti. Metode, ki sem jih uporabila v diplomskem delu so metoda analize, splošna statistična analiza in primerjalna metoda. Na podlagi opravljene analize sem ugotovila, da Varuh iz leta v leto obravnava vse več zadev. V upravnih postopkih prihaja predvsem do kršitve ustavnih pravic do enakega varstva pravic in pravnega varstva, temeljnih načel po ZUP in načel dobrega upravljanja ter načel pravičnosti. Delež utemeljenih zadev se iz leta v leto na večini področij povečuje, kar je posledica predvsem odsotnosti, spreminjanja ali pomanjkljivosti zakonske ureditve in neupoštevanja priporočil Varuha. Vsebina diplomske naloge lahko pripomore k informiranosti stroke in javnosti o kršitvah v upravnih postopkih in razlogih za njihov obstoj ter predstavlja podlago za nadaljnje raziskovanje področja.

Keywords:človekove pravice, Varuh človekovih pravic RS, upravna zadeva, upravni postopek, varstvo človekovih pravic
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Artič]
Number of pages:IX, 51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138712 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:117958659 This link opens in a new window
Prešernova nagrada Fakultete za upravo - podelitev 8. 3. 2022 za diplomsko delo, mentorica: prof. dr. Polonca Kovač
Publication date in RUL:10.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of violations in selected administrative procesudres in the Ombudsman's practise 2018–2020
Human rights and fundamental freedoms are internationally agreed values and norms that every individual acquires at birth. You can exercise certain rights in administrative proceedings against the authorities or public administrations. The criteria and framework for decision-making in the administrative procedure are determined by human rights and fundamental freedoms, fundamental principles and other provisions of the General Administrative Procedure Act (GAPA) and sectoral laws. Despite the fact that the Republic of Slovenia is legal, social and democratic state, human rights violations in administrative procedures occur in the practice of public administration. Individuals have the rights to seek legal remedies, including the right to file a petition with the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia. The thesis focuses on human rights and their violations in administrative proceedings in the social, environmental, spatial and administrative fields according to the annual reports of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia in the period 2018–2020. This work presents the development of human rights protection and the ombudsman in the international and Slovenian context, and continues with a description of the administrative procedure and an analysis of human rights violations in administrative proceedings. The aim of the thesis is to analyse individual human rights violations in selected areas and to compare the improvement and success of the Ombudsman's recommendations between the years. The methods I used in my thesis are the analysis method, the general statistical analysis and the comparative method. Based on my analysis, I have found that the Ombudsman is dealing with more and more cases every year. Administrative proceedings are mainly in breach of the constitutional rights to equal protection of rights and justice, the fundamental principles of the GAPA, the principle of good administration and the principle of fairness. The proportion of substantiated cases is increasing from year to year in most areas, mainly due to the absence, changes or shortcomings in the legal framework and failure to comply with the Ombudsman's recommendations. The content of the thesis can contribute to informing the profession and the public about breaches in administrative procedures and the reasons for their existence, as well as providing a basis for further research in the field.

Keywords:human rights, Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, administrative case, administrative procedure, protection of human rights

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