
Vpliv utrdbenih sistemov Rapalske meje na razvoj prostora : doktorska disertacija
ID Grom, Janez Peter (Author), ID Fikfak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj pričujoče raziskave je razumeti pomen in vrednost prostorskih implikacij dediščine rapalske meje s pomočjo zgodovinske kontekstualizacije in sodobne urbanistične teorije. Vzpostavitev rapalske meje leta 1920 je zagotovila politično osnovo za izgradnjo obsežnih utrdbenih sistemov na italijanski in jugoslovanski strani. Medtem ko so Italijani vzdolž celotne državne kopenske meje zgradili 1851 kilometrov dolg obrambni sistem Alpski zid, so Jugoslovani ob jugoslovansko-italijanski meji zgradili približno 250 kilometrov dolgo »Rupnikovo« obrambno linijo. Raziskava je preverila vpliv na prostor, ki ga je imela vzpostavitev rapalske meje oziroma konkretneje utrdbenega sistema Rupnikove linije na morfološki razvoj naselja Žiri. Avtor je preučil dostopne zgodovinske vire. V virih manjkajoče zgodovinske podatke je dopolnil z lastnimi raziskavami (Grom 2018). Raziskava je usmerjena v razumevanje sektorske delitve rapalske meje in obrambnih sistemov Alpskega zidu in Rupnikove linije. Na podlagi arhivskih virov in dosedanjih raziskav ugotavlja dejstva, ki so pogojevala sektorsko ureditev v celotnem razponu rapalske meje od tromeje na severu do Reškega zaliva na jugu. S preučitvijo dosedanjih pisanih virov znanstvene in strokovne narave in pregledom arhivskih gradiv prvič vzporedno prikazuje sistemski delitvi na sektorje italijanskega in jugoslovanskega obrambnega sistema. Preiskuje in predstavlja zgodovinska dejstva, ki so botrovala določitvi rapalske meje in ureditvi njene obrambe. Z raziskavo na terenu, izvedeno na območju občine Žiri, lociranjem in evidentiranjem posameznih utrdbenih objektov Rupnikove linije in opravljenimi intervjuji je avtor izdelal pregledno karto, ki prikazuje tako omenjene kot do sedaj množico neodkritih objektov v prostoru. Rezultati analiz kažejo na večplastnost pomenov in vplivov na razvoj prostora kot posledico delitve homogenega teritorija. Poleg očitnih negativnih učinkov na razvoj na tem teritoriju živečega prebivalstva je raziskava pokazala, da je vsiljena dinamika kot posledica utrjevanja po globini (Kauffmann in Jurga, 2014) vplivala na razvoj širšega prostora. Primerjalno je preučila naselja Žiri in Idrija ter Železniki s ciljem vzpostavitve pregleda razvojnih razlik v določenih časovnih intervalih. Ugotovljeni razvojni zagon je sledil – v Idriji na italijanski ter v Žireh in Železnikih na strani kraljevine Jugoslavije – različnim motivom in principom ter je v prostoru pustil še danes vidne, različne vzorce grajenega prostora. S ciljem ugotovitve alternativnih možnih prostorskih razvojnih scenarijev predstavlja raziskava izvedbo serije simulacij razvoja grajenega prostora v Žirovski dolini ob vzpostavitvi različnih izhodiščnih pogojev in stanj v prostoru. Za izvedbo teh simulacij vzpostavlja primerjavo med obema izbranima naseljema Železniki in Žiri.

Keywords:doktorske disertacije, razvoj prostora, militarizacija prostora, vpliv vojaškega utrjevanja, rapalska meja, Rupnikova linija, morfološki razvoj, Žiri
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. P. Grom]
Number of pages:196 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138598 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:117030659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the Rapallo border fortification systems on spatial development
The aim of present research is to understand the significance and value of spatial implications of the heritage of the Rapallo border through historical contextualization and contemporary urban theory. The establishment of the Rapallo border in 1920 provided the political basis for the construction of extensive fortification systems on both the Italian and Yugoslav sides. While the Italians built the 1851 kilometer long Alpine Wall defense system, the Yugoslavs built the approximately 250 kilometer long »Rupnik« defense line. The research examined the impact of the Rapallo border on the area and, more specifically, the fortification system of the Rupnik Line on the morphological development of the Žiri settlement. Available historical sources were examined. The missing historical data from the sources were supplemented with the author's personal research (Grom 2018). The research is aimed at understanding the sectoral division of the Rapallo border and the defense systems of the Alpine Wall and the Rupnik Line. Based on archival sources and up-to-date research, the facts that conditioned such a sectoral arrangement in the entire range of the Rapallo border from the tri-border in the north to the Gulf of Rijeka in the south have been established. By examining the existing scientific and professional written sources, and reviewing archival materials, the systemic divisions into sectors of the Italian and Yugoslav defense systems are presented in parallel for the first time. The historical facts that led to the determination of the Rapallo border and its defense systems are researched and presented. With the help of field research carried out in the area of the Municipality of Žiri, locating and recording individual fortifications of the Rupnik line, and conducting interviews, an overview map of these and, until this research, a multitude of uncovered buildings, in the area has been made. The results of the analyses show the multifaceted meaning and influences on the spatial development as a result of the division of homogeneous space. In addition to the obvious negative effects on the local population development, the research shows that the forced dynamics resulting from in-depth territorial defense (Kauffmann & Jurga, 2014) influenced the spatial development of a wider area. The settlements of Žiri and Idrija, and Železniki were taken in comparison with the aim of establishing an overview of development differences in the set time intervals. The established development impetus followed different motives and principles, in Idrija on the Italian side and Žiri and Železniki on the side of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and left still visible, different patterns of built space in the area. With the aim of identifying alternative possible spatial development scenarios, a series of simulations of the development of the built space in the Žiri Valley was performed with the establishment of various input conditions and states of space. To perform these simulations, a comparison was made between the settlements of Železniki and Žiri.

Keywords:doctoral dissertations, space development, space militarization, impact of military fortifying, Rapallo border, Rupnik Line, morphological development

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