
Teoretična opredelitev in empirična študija odnosa med algoritmično pismenostjo in pismenostjo spletne zasebnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Bojc, Nika (Author), ID Petrovčič, Andraž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bartol, Jošt (Comentor)

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Algoritmi so vseprisotni del interneta, ki uporabnikom na podlagi različnih dejavnikov prilagajajo izbor in predstavitve spletnih vsebin. Slednje imenujemo tudi algoritmična kuracija. Algoritmi delujejo na podlagi zbiranja in obdelave podatkov, ki jih uporabniki (ne)posredno posredujejo s svojimi aktivnostmi. Njihova vseprisotnost zato izpostavlja pomen algoritmične pismenosti, ki se nanaša na uporabnikovo razumevanje algoritmov in jim omogoča kompetentno navigiranje na spletu. Princip delovanja algoritmov na podlagi podatkov in njihova dostopnost tudi (neznanim) tretjim deležnikom pa je privedel še do potrebe po pismenosti spletne zasebnosti, ki se nanaša na uporabnikovo znanje o različnih vidikih spletnega varstva podatkov in uporabnikom omogoča več nadzora nad lastnimi podatki in dostopnostjo do njih. Med obema pismenostma se nakazuje več vsebinskih in izkustvenih povezav, vendar do sedaj njun odnos še ni bil neposredno preučevan. Zato nas je v magistrskem delu zanimalo, kako sta ti dve pismenosti z njunimi razsežnostmi teoretskih konstruktov povezani, in sicer na konceptualni in empirični ravni. V ta namen smo si postavili krovno raziskovalno vprašanje in štiri primerjalne delovne hipoteze, kjer primerjamo moč povezanosti med njunimi razsežnostmi. Izvedli smo spletno anketo med uporabniki izbranega družbenega omrežja in s pomočjo bivariatnih analiz preverili empirično veljavnost predlaganih hipotez. Za merjenje obeh vrst pismenosti smo uporabili lestvico algoritmične pismenosti in lestvico pismenosti spletne zasebnosti. Rezultati statističnih analiz so pokazali, da lahko potrdimo tri od štirih postavljenih hipotez. Tukajšnje ugotovitve predstavljajo pomembno izhodišče za razumevanje pomena in odnosa med obema vrstama pismenosti tako na individualni kot družbeni ravni.

Keywords:algoritmična kuracija, algoritmična pismenost, digitalna neenakost, skrb za informacijsko zasebnost, pismenost spletne zasebnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Bojc]
Number of pages:100 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138493 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120171011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Theoretical definition and empirical study of the relationship between algorithm literacy and online privacy literacy
Algorithms are a ubiquitous part of the internet, which customise the selection and presentation of web content to the user based on various factors in the process known as algorithmic curation. Algorithms operate by using data that users (in)directly share online. Algorithms' ubiquity, therefore, highlights the importance of algorithmic literacy, which refers to the user's understanding of algorithms and enables them to navigate competently online. The algorithms' functioning based on data and their accessibility to (unknown) third parties has led to the need for online privacy literacy, which refers to the user's knowledge of online data protection and gives them more control over their own data. There seem to be several conceptual and practical connections between the two literacies, but their relationship has not yet been directly studied. Therefore, in this master's thesis, we were interested in how they are related to their dimensions of theoretical constructs on a conceptual and empirical level. To this end, we set a research question and four working hypotheses, where we compare the strength of the connection between their dimensions. We conducted a web survey among social network users and, by means of bivariate analyses, checked the empirical validity of the hypotheses. To measure both literacies, we used the Algorithmic Literacy Scale and the Online Privacy Literacy Scale. The results confirmed three out of four hypotheses. Our findings provide an important contribution to the understanding of mechanisms that shape the relationship between the two literacies on the individual and societal level.

Keywords:algorithmic curation, algorithm literacy, digital inequality, information privacy concerns, online privacy literacy

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