The set of technical practicum in the context of science and technology contents is based on practical training of pupils / students / students important both for the work of a technical teacher and in general for highly educated technical staff. Students get acquainted with the most important technological procedures of material processing, the ultimate goal of which is the production of concrete objects and models of devices in school workshops or. specially adapted parts of the space. The learner is enabled to plan and determine the suitability and suitability of selected materials and technological procedures in the manufacture of the product. He gets acquainted with and works with measuring tools, hand tools, various machines and devices that he will use in his work. Acquire the appropriate work habits, experience and skills needed for independent work. At the same time, he develops his creativity and independence in individual and group work. How to evaluate the products created in the technical practicum of primary school science and technology is a complex area and requires multi-layered treatment. In the resulting work, we focused only on the developmental characteristics of the product, created in the process of designing supported by knowledge of teacher assessment literacy.
In theory, we considered the conceptual dimension of assessment literacy as a key competence of a teacher and what is the inventory of their assessment literacy. Empirical research was conducted to self-evaluate teachers' general assessment competence, to prepare for assessment, how teachers give feedback, their priorities in the field of professional learning and how The set of technical practicum in the context of technical and technological contents is based on practical training of pupils / students / students important both for the work of a technical teacher and in general for highly educated technical staff. Students get acquainted with the most important technological procedures of material processing, the ultimate goal of which is the production of concrete objects and models of devices in school workshops or. specially adapted parts of the space. The learner is enabled to plan and determine the suitability and suitability of selected materials and technological procedures in the manufacture of the product. He gets acquainted with and works with measuring tools, hand tools, various machines and devices that he will use in his work. Acquire the appropriate work habits, experience and skills needed for independent work. At the same time, he develops his creativity and independence in individual and group work. How to evaluate the products created in the technical practicum of primary school science and technology) is a complex area and requires multi-layered treatment. In the resulting work, we focused only on the developmental characteristics of the product, created in the process of designing supported by knowledge of teacher assessment literacy.
In theory, we considered the conceptual dimension of assessment literacy as a key competence of a teacher and what is the inventory of their assessment literacy. Empirical research was conducted to self-evaluate teachers' general assessment competence, to prepare for assessment, how teachers give feedback, their priorities in the field of professional learning and how they monitor assessment principles.The results of the survey were also confirmed through a case study, where we evaluated the criteria physical products of a technical practicum targeted at 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. In the practical part we will show how high quality and reliable this criterion is in practice. Namely, we tested the criterion on 9 different products. They monitor assessment principles.
The results of the survey were also confirmed through a case study, where we evaluated the criteria physical products of a technical practicum targeted at 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. In the practical part we will show how high quality and reliable this criterion is in practice. Namely, we tested the criterion on 9 different products.
The literacy results were very positive overall. Teachers pay a lot of attention to creating fair conditions for assessment for all students and to making sure that all students in the classroom have the same learning opportunities. Teachers strive to provide students with timely and useful feedback and information to improve their learning. When planning assessment, teachers try to get support from students when they have difficulties in making their practical products. As far as assessment is concerned, teachers carry out assessment within a reasonable time, mainly in such a way that students understand the results of assessment and that they have the opportunity to express their opinion during assessment. We see the shortcomings of Slovenian science and technology teachers in terms of assessment literacy in working with parents and commenting on grades with other teachers.
They were very positive in evaluating the products of the technical practicum according to their own criteria. No major deviations were detected, except on two items (strength and accuracy). However, if we compare the criterion with, say, the DAP tool, we see that we have some shortcomings. Nowhere did we take into account progress and our own reflection, as is the case with the mentioned in criterion. The results of the work will be useful for all future science and technology teachers, for teachers who want to be educated and improved, and also for all professionals who want to work on teacher education.