
Vpliv kronične bolezni pri otroku na zdrave sorojence : diplomsko delo
ID Gnjezda Romšak, Pia (Author), ID Vettorazzi, Renata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bizjak, Martina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Kronične bolezni so definirane kot stanja, ki trajajo eno leto ali več in zahtevajo dolgotrajno medicinsko pozornost ali omejene vsakodnevne aktivnosti ali oboje. V Sloveniji ocenjujejo, da se delež otrok z vsaj eno kronično boleznijo giblje med 15 in 30 %. Ker nudijo starši več pozornosti bolnemu otroku, so potrebe zdravega sorojenca pogosto zapostavljene, kar ima vpliv na njihovo kakovost življenja in splošno zdravje. Namen: diplomskega dela je predstaviti vpliv kronične bolezni pri otroku na zdrave sorojence. Metode dela: Izvedli smo pregled literature z deskriptivno metodo predstavitve rezultatov. Članke smo iskali po mednarodnih podatkovnih bazah; PubMed, CINAHL, Cohrane Libary, po knjižničnem katalogu COBISS.SI in Google učenjaku. Iskanje literature je potekalo od septembra leta 2021 in do januarja leta 2022. Iskani so bili članki v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Rezultati: Življenje zdravega sorojenca z bratom ali sestro s kronično boleznijo ima nanje velik vpliv. Izpostavljeni so različnim težavam v družini, ki jih drugi otroci ne izkusijo. Zaradi bolezni lahko občutijo val različnih čustev. V primerjavi z vrstniki imajo več čustvenih in vedenjskih težav, slabšo kakovost življenja, socialne veščine in slabše razumevanje z vrstniki. Za lažje prilagajanje na situacijo je pomembna informiranost o bolezni. Zdravi sorojenci pogosto skrbijo za dobrobit brata ali sestre in postanejo njihovi zaščitniki. Izkazalo se je, da ima kronična bolezen večji vpliv bližje pojavu bolezni in potrebni hospitalizaciji otroka. Dokazali so, da se zdravi sorojenci lažje prilagajajo, če se starši bolj zavedajo njihovih občutkov in skupaj sodelujejo v programih pomoči in podpornih intervencijah. Razprava in zaključek: Sorojenci otrok s kronično boleznijo se soočajo z različnimi težavami čez celotno življenje. Da bi imela bolezen brata ali sestre nanje čim manjši negativni vpliv, jim moramo nuditi pomoč v obliki različnih programov in intervencij. Ker so izkušnje otrok pogosto predstavljene skozi »oči staršev«, se moramo bolj posvetiti vidiku samih otrok in to področje bolje raziskati, ter starše podučiti kako jim pomagati, da se ti ne počutijo zapostavljene.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, kronične bolezni, otroci, sorojenci, kakovost življenja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Gnjezda Romšak]
Number of pages:36 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138357 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:115600643 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.07.2022
GNJEZDA ROMŠAK, Pia, 2022, Vpliv kronične bolezni pri otroku na zdrave sorojence : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : P. Gnjezda Romšak. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of childhood chronic illnesses on healthy siblings : diploma work
Introduction: Chronic illnesses are defined as conditions that last for a year or more and require long-term medical attention or limited daily activities, or both. In Slovenia, it is estimated that the share of children with at least one chronic disease is between 15 and 30%. Because parents pay more attention to a sick child, the needs of a healthy sibling are often neglected, which has an impact on their quality of life and overall health. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present the impact of chronic disease in children on healthy siblings. Methods: We performed a literature review using a descriptive method of presenting the results. We searched for articles in international databases; PubMed, CINAHL, Cohrane Libary, in the library catalog COBISS.SI and Google Scholar. The search for literature took place from September 2021 to January 2022. Articles in Slovene and English were searched. Results: The life of a healthy sibling with a brother or sister with a chronic illness has a big impact on them. They are exposed to various problems in the family that other children do not experience. Due to the disease, they can feel a wave of different emotions. Compared to peers, they have more emotional and behavioral problems, poorer quality of life, social skills, and poorer understanding with peers. Awareness of the disease is important to make it easier to adapt to the situation. Healthy siblings often care for the well-being of a sibling and become their protectors. Chronic illness has been shown to have a greater impact closer to the onset of the disease and the need to hospitalize the child. They have shown that healthy siblings find it easier to adapt if parents are more aware of their feelings and participate together in help programs and support interventions. Discussion and conclusion: Siblings of children with chronic disease face a variety of problems throughout their lives. In order for the illness of a sibling to have as little negative impact on them as possible, we must offer them help in the form of various programs and interventions. As children's experiences are often presented through the "eyes of the parents", we need to pay more attention to the aspect of the children themselves and explore this area more, and teach parents how to help them not to feel neglected.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, chronical diseases, children, siblings, quality of life

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